Black Friday Sales I-Pix GoPro Housing with External Battery (Aluminum, 500ft) Review
All-around the I-Pix GoPro Housing with External Battery (Aluminum, 500ft) is quite nicely made, is working amazingly, I certainly think the purchase decision most likely be worth any extra budget. Hot Deal I-Pix GoPro Housing with External Battery (Aluminum, 500ft)
Price : $599.99 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : I-Torch Camera Housings
Merchant : Sunny Sports
Product ID : d7653e17d75dee8c8f8b57029b81e621
Rating :
The item features are superb and fulled of good quality of I-Pix GoPro Housing with External Battery (Aluminum, 500ft) is the major reason that takes it one of the product you may grow possessed. And also, it is as well friendly budget to your budgets as well. You could check the complete item summary and visit wonderful offers that have already been updated through the shop using click the link here. You might possibly purchase the exciting deal and you could not deny it, desire you get the good price.
I-Pix GoPro Housing with External Battery (Aluminum, 500ft) Description
Need to take your GoPro to the depths? We've got you covered. Need longer battery life? We've got you covered for that too. Our new aluminum GoPro housing is rated to 500'. If you use the external battery (3400mAh) you can get an extra 2 hours run time with the LCD screen on, an extra 3.4 hours with the LCD off. On time laps you should be able to get an extra 6 hours. The external battery comes with a YS mount so you can attach it to its own arm on your camera system. Standard tripod mount on the bottom of the housing means you can attach it to one of our trays
Just before you purchase I-Pix GoPro Housing with External Battery (Aluminum, 500ft), you need to examine out the functions of the item, building material functionality, benefits and drawbacks of the item so efficiently. By studying customer reviews of this product, you should research many customer reviews. The real individuals experience of these items will help you choose appropriately, reasonably without purchasing mistake and really worth for the price.