Black Friday 2014 Ads Innovera 99550 High-Gloss Photo Paper 8.5 x 11 50 Sheets-Pack Instantly
Innovera 99550 High-Gloss Photo Paper 8.5 x 11 50 Sheets-Pack that you can buy today, absolutely view last selling prices comparison plus shipping accessible to get you the great offer.
Price : $28.88 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Innovera
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Product ID : 86df46138057487c7b619a36966b6bb8
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Innovera 99550 High-Gloss Photo Paper 8.5 x 11 50 Sheets-Pack Description
Yields professional quality prints. Coating is produced with microporous technology creating superior results. Colors are bright with incredible depth and blacks are deep and intense. Excellent results in any inkjet printer. Size: 8 1/2 x 11; Paper Color (s) : White; Paper Weight: 10 mil; Sheets Per Unit: 50.
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