Black Friday 2014 Intova Sport 10K Digital Camera with Waterproof Housing
When you have to in comparison product features and value. This Intova Sport 10K Digital Camera with Waterproof Housing is a good decision to shop for.
Price : $89.95 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Intova Underwater Cameras
Merchant : Leisure Pro
Product ID : 067be502b8178a71187a52c59419a7e0
Rating :
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![Intova Sport 10K Digital Camera with Waterproof Housing](
Intova Sport 10K Digital Camera with Waterproof Housing Description
The Intova Sport 10K Digital Camera is an affordable solution to Sports Photography. The Compact Housing is Waterproof to 140' (40 meters) and features a Shock Absorbent Liner, Double-O-Ring-Design and Full Function Control Buttons. The Camera is Waterproof to 10' (3 meters) and features great Video and Photo Performance. 2AAA Batteries (included) provide Easy Power Solutions anywhere in the world. Memory is via Micro SD Card up to 32GB (not included) for hundreds of photos and/or hours of video content. The Standard Tripod Mount is compatible with all Intova Mount Systems for an easy solution to Sports Photography/Videography. The Camera features an F/2.8 Lens with a Focus Range of 19.7" (50cm) and in Macro Mode 4.3" to 7.1" (11cm to 18cm) . The Sport 10K Digital Camera has a 4x Digital Zoom, Built-In Flash with Auto/Force/Off Modes and a 2.4" (6.1cm) TFT LCD Color Display. Camera has a White Balance Function of Auto/Daylight/Cloudy/Fluorescent/Tungsten. The Camera's Sensor is a 10.0Mega Pixel CMOS Sensor with an Image Resolution 16.0 Mega Pixels: (4608x3456) , 10.0 Mega Pixels: (3648x2736) , 5.0 Mega Pixels: (2592x1944) , 3.0 Mega Pixels: (2048x1536) and VGA: (640x480) . The Camera when used in Video Mode provides 30fps@VGA, 30fps@QVGA with Micro SD Card. The Systems File Format is Pictures: JPEG and Video: AVI. Camera is equipped with a 10 second Self Timer Function and uses a PC Interface USB 2.0 for Downloading. The Operating Systems are Win XP (SP3) , Vista32/64, Win7 32/64 and Mac OS x 10.6.8 or above. The CPU recommendation is Pentium 4/3.0G or faster with RAMS 1 GB MB RAM (Vista: 2 GB) and CD ROM Driver. Camera has a Language Setting for English/German/Italian/Portuguese/French/Spanish/Japanese. The Camera measures 3.5" x 2.5" x 0.9" (8.9cm x 6.4cm x 2.3cm) , weighs 4.2oz (119.1g) and comes with an Owner's Manual. The Intova Sport 10K Digital Camera Housing is made from Durable Polycarbonate, Stainless Steel and Silicone. The Housing has a Flat Port and allows for a Fiber Optic Cable Connection for an External Strobe/Flash Accessory. The Housing measures 5.0" x 3.8" x 2.0" (12.7cm x 9.7cm x 5.1cm) and weighs 6.2oz (175.8g) . Included with the Camera and Housing is a Wrist Lanyard. Camera and Housing are covered by a 12 month limited warranty.
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