Black Friday Sales 2014 Joby Gorillatorch Flare w/ Magnetic Tripod
Joby Gorillatorch Flare w/ Magnetic Tripod is extremely an extremely good products at the good price, worth every cent. Really cheerful.
Price : $34.28 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : JOBY
Merchant : Walmart
Product ID : 8660f82da786dd37d42b363cce1b1028
Rating :

The product attributes are exceptional and loadeded with top-notch of Joby Gorillatorch Flare w/ Magnetic Tripod is the weighty purpose that takes it one of the item you may acquire had. Plus, it is usually friendly-budget to your wallets too. You can view the complete product summary and have a look at amazing promotions that have been upgraded from the shop through click the web link here. You may get the amazing deal and you could not refute it, want you have the very good deal.

Joby Gorillatorch Flare w/ Magnetic Tripod Description
The new Gorillatorch Flare is equipped with additional emergency features, including 80 lumens of attentiongrabbing output, a strobe option for signaling, and rubberized end caps for easier handling and increased durability. Choose between low, medium, high, or flashing white light, or still or flashing red light. Featuring the same prehensile legs and magnetic feet as the original Gorillatorch, the Gorillatorch Flare will hang on to just about anything, freeing your hands for more important tasks. Four powerful LEDs - one ultra-bright 100-lumen white CREE LED and three red LEDs - with adjustable intensity and strobe features let you select the optimal beam for any situation. Choose between low, medium, high, or flashing white light, or between steady and flashing red light. Flexible, wrappable legs and magnetic feet allow you to attach the Gorillatorch Flare to anything; illuminate any target or send a powerful emergency signal while keeping your hands free. Rubberized ring and foot grips provide enhanced stability on slick or uneven surfaces and wonI'It scratch paint. Water resistant, the Gorillatorch Flare shines in any environment. Compact and lightweight, the Gorillatorch Flare is a must-have for roadside assistance and emergencies. Its adaptable form factor enables you to stow it anywhere. Keep one in your car and one in your backpack. Specifications: Brightness: 100 Lumen CREE LED Center w/ 3 Red Leds Batteries: 3AA Size: 206 x 128 x 70mm (8 x 5 x 2.75") Weight: 255g (9 oz) Habitat: Anywhere and everywhere!
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This Item Available from 1 Store
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Joby Gorillatorch Flare w/ Magnetic Tripod
Merchant : Walmart |
$34.28 | ![]() |