Black Friday 2014 Jvc - 8gb Hd Waterproof Flash Memory Camcorder - Black Review
If you have to compared product benefits and cost. Jvc - 8gb Hd Waterproof Flash Memory Camcorder - Black is a nice choice to decide to buy. Hot Offer Jvc - 8gb Hd Waterproof Flash Memory Camcorder - Black
Price : $449.99 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : JVC
Merchant : Best Buy
Product ID : f7a68852d2be95f71cbbd02329a6053e
Rating :
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Jvc - 8gb Hd Waterproof Flash Memory Camcorder - Black Description
40x optical/200x digital zoom; 2.08MP digital still resolution; 3" LCD touch screen; water, shock, dust- and freeze-proof design; night recording; advanced digital image stabilizer; motion sensor
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