Black Friday Deals Kodak Easyshare C143 Blue 12MP Digital Camera Bundle with (2) Rechargeable Batteries, Wall Charger & Matching Case Instantly
General this Kodak Easyshare C143 Blue 12MP Digital Camera Bundle with (2) Rechargeable Batteries, Wall Charger & Matching Case is extremely well produced, works wonderfully, I understandably think the decide to purchase is really worth extra money. Hot Deal Kodak Easyshare C143 Blue 12MP Digital Camera Bundle with (2) Rechargeable Batteries, Wall Charger & Matching Case
Price : $62.87 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Kodak
Merchant : Walmart
Product ID : f513daa1838fcc19f9739e887789b737
Rating :
In case that you are really searching to purchasing product at an excellent quality and also an acceptable deal. We strongly advised this Kodak Easyshare C143 Blue 12MP Digital Camera Bundle with (2) Rechargeable Batteries, Wall Charger & Matching Case is among high quality and more well-liked product item that you are trying to find. Also if you learn it carefully regarding item description, features and useful customer reviews, naturally you should not decline to get it one. You can take a look at the up to date price from the hyperlink under here.
Kodak Easyshare C143 Blue 12MP Digital Camera Bundle with (2) Rechargeable Batteries, Wall Charger & Matching Case Description
Kodak EasyShare C143 12MP Digital Camera: 12-megapixel resolution - Delivers excellent picture quality 32-96 mm lens - Offers f/2.9 to f/5.2 aperture and features a 3x optical zoom 2.7" LCD display - Enjoy easy focus selection and photo viewing Records movies - Record VGA (640 x 480) movies at 30 frames per second with the Kodak blue 12MP digital camera bundle 22 scene modes - Provide creative options for taking eye-catching photos with accurate color Blur reduction - Reduces blur caused by subject movement, or fast-action situations to deliver clearer, sharper pictures with the Kodak blue 12MP digital camera bundle 1-button upload turn moments into memories - 1-button sharing to Kodak Gallery, YouTube, Facebook, Flickr, Orkut and email Memory Card Specifications for Kodak EasyShare digital camera: Compatible SD/SDHC memory cards Internal Memory: 32MB 1 SD/SDHC Slot
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This Item Available from 1 Store
Image | Item | Price | |
Kodak Easyshare C143 Blue 12MP Digital Camera Bundle with (2) Rechargeable Batteries, Wall Charger & Matching Case
Merchant : Walmart |
$62.87 |