Black Friday Deals 2014 Kodak PIXPRO Astro Zoom AZ251 16MP Digital Camera with 25x Optical Zoom - Black Review
Kodak PIXPRO Astro Zoom AZ251 16MP Digital Camera with 25x Optical Zoom - Black is certainly an awesome gadgets at a excellent total price, worth the cost. Very joyful.
Price : $128.88 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Kodak
Merchant : Sam's Club
Product ID : 356116517d08b3237d1f727538e17f5e
Rating :
In the event that you are searching to purchasing product at a fantastic high quality along with a practical budget plan. We highly suggested this Kodak PIXPRO Astro Zoom AZ251 16MP Digital Camera with 25x Optical Zoom - Black is among premium and additional well-liked product item that you are seeking. Even if you research it carefully regarding item detail, functions and handy customer testimonials, of course you should certainly not reject to purchase it one. You can check out the present price through the hyperlink below.
![Kodak PIXPRO Astro Zoom AZ251 16MP Digital Camera with 25x Optical Zoom - Black](
Kodak PIXPRO Astro Zoom AZ251 16MP Digital Camera with 25x Optical Zoom - Black Description
Powerful 16.1-Megapixel CCD Sensor 16.1-megapixels gives you room to zoom, enlarge and crop to your heart's desire without losing out on life-like clarity or quality. 25x Optical Zoom, 24mm Wide Angle Lens 25x optical zoom moves you right upclose and in the action for big, beautiful photos while the 24mm wide angle lens gives you a larger frame to fit more of your subject, in without having to step back. Object Tracking, Optical Image Stabilization Target, track and automatically focus on even the fastest moving objects with our Object Tracking feature and Optical Image Stabilization that automatically adjusts to compensate for unintentional camera movements giving you crisp, clear photos everytime. 720p HD Video Capture the moment in motion with one-touch recording and enjoy beautifully detailed 720p HD video. Portrait Pro Take portrait pictures like a pro with the Face Beautifier mode to enhance your subjects and reduce facial imperfections instantly. With loads of touch-up features built into the camera, you can enhance the skin tone and the eyes of your subject with ease. .content style ul (margin-left:25px;margin-top:2px;margin-bottom:20px;) .content style ul li (margin-bottom:2px;) .content style p (margin:10px 0;) .content style h3 (font-size:13px;)
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