Black Friday 2014 Deals Kodak ScanMate i1120 Sheetfed Scanner
Can be a safe compared item functions and price. The Kodak ScanMate i1120 Sheetfed Scanner is a reasonable option to purchase.
Price : $406.77 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand :
Merchant : Walmart
Product ID : eb135a99117f15f22f94a21a433dbbf5
Rating :

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Kodak ScanMate i1120 Sheetfed Scanner Description
General Information Manufacturer: Eastman Kodak Company Manufacturer Part Number: 1147925 Product Line: ScanMate Product Name: ScanMate i1120 Sheetfed Scanner Manufacturer Website Address: www. Product Type: Sheetfed Scanner Product Model: i1120 Brand Name: Kodak Technical Information Scan Resolution: 600 dpi Optical Scan Speed: 20 ppm Color 200 dpi Media Type: Plain Paper Media Size: 8.46" x 34" Automatic Document Feeder: 50 x Sheet Platform Support: PC Environmental Conditions Power Description Input Voltage: 110 V AC Physical Characteristics Dimensions: 5.81" Height x 11.83" Width x 6.19" Depth Weight: 5.95 lb Miscellaneous Compatibility Windows Vista SP1 (32-bit and 64-bit) Windows XP SP2/SP3 (32-bit) Windows XP x64 edition SP2 Windows 2003 Server x64 edition Windows 2000 Professional SP4 Green Compliance Certificate/Authority Energy Star Green Compliance Yes Warranty Standard Warranty: 1 Year Interfaces/Ports Ports: 1 x USB 2.0 USB I/O Expansions Software Software Included: TWAIN ISIS Drivers STI and WIA drivers Kodak Smart Touch Nuance PaperPort Nunace Omnipage Presto! BizCard Controls/Indicators Network & Communication
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