Black Friday 2014 Deals La Sportiva Olympus Mons EVO (Yellow/Black) Men's Shoes Instantly
La Sportiva Olympus Mons EVO (Yellow/Black) Men's Shoes is totally great for exactly what it actually does. Save you money and time through decide to purchase at responsible online retail stores.
Price : $990.00 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : La Sportiva
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Product ID : 2bd478e1bd5b14f966a5660a887b4843
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In the case that you are looking to shopping for product with a top-notch high quality including an acceptable budget plan. We strongly suggested this La Sportiva Olympus Mons EVO (Yellow/Black) Men's Shoes is among top quality and even more preferred product product that you are trying to find. Also if you study it thoroughly regarding product detail, features and useful consumer evaluations, obviously you have to certainly not refuse to acquire it one. You can take a look at the latest price through the link here.
![La Sportiva Olympus Mons EVO (Yellow/Black) Men's Shoes](
La Sportiva Olympus Mons EVO (Yellow/Black) Men's Shoes Description
Please click for the La Sportiva Size Conversion.The world's best high altitude double boots just got a bit better. Included in the EVO model is the elimination of the bathtub sole for a better crampon fit and a more breathable gaiter to help with moisture management.Cordura gaiter with abrasion resistant Aramide fiber reinforcement and high tenacity nylon combined with a PE insulating barrier.The outer boot consists of a Cordura upper with dual density PE micro-cellular thermal insulating closed cell foam lined with a thermoreflective aluminum facing. Also has an insulated removable footbed.The inner boot consists of a water-repellent breathable upper with dual density PE thermal insulating micro-perforated foam. It's lining is Tri-dimensional structured polyester combined with pile.Inner boot: Slip Lasted; Outer boot: Board Lasted.Vibram Montagna/XSV Rands sole.SBR Aircushion midsole with 4mm high density PE.5mm carbon fiber insole plus 2.5mm PE microcellular thermal insulating closed cell foam topped with a thermoreflective aluminum layer reinforced with perforated hydrophobic non-woven facing.Shoe weighs 5 lbs., 6 oz.
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