Deals Black Friday On Lenmar DLN-EL9 Nikon D40 Eq. Digital Camera Battery Review
With this Lenmar DLN-EL9 Nikon D40 Eq. Digital Camera Battery you certainly check out the lots of benefits which usually get in touch with you want, is recommended it is a good product for value.
Price : $51.99 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Lenmar
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Product ID : b7dc5414d1353d488992871c901f899b
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In case you are thinking about to purchasing item at a great quality and also a sensible budget. We strongly recommended Lenmar DLN-EL9 Nikon D40 Eq. Digital Camera Battery is one of premium and more popular item product that you are seeking. Also if you examine it very carefully about product specification, functions and practical consumer assessments, naturally you must certainly not decline to buy it one. You could inspect the latest price from the link below.
![Lenmar DLN-EL9 Nikon D40 Eq. Digital Camera Battery](
Lenmar DLN-EL9 Nikon D40 Eq. Digital Camera Battery Description
Fits: Nikon D5000 D3000 D60 dSLR D60 D40X D40.Replaces: Nikon EN-EL9 EN-EL9a EN-EL9e.2 Year Warranty.Adapter Plate: XPA14/S.Capacity: 1000.Chemistry: Lithium Ion.Voltage: 7.4.Watt Hours: 7.4Wh.Color: Black.Dimensions: 2.2 H x 1.41 W x 0.62 D.
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