2014 Black Friday Cheap Price Lenmar (R) LIC970G Lithium-Ion Camcorder Battery, 7.4 Volts, 7200 mAh Capacity Right Now
Lenmar (R) LIC970G Lithium-Ion Camcorder Battery, 7.4 Volts, 7200 mAh Capacity available for purchase now, just find out latest selling prices comparison plus shipping and delivery available for get you the best selection.
Price : $99.99 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Lenmar
Merchant : Office Depot
Product ID : 58772fe6847f66be9d1d4af46187f0e0
Rating :

One of amazing product is consist of Lenmar (R) LIC970G Lithium-Ion Camcorder Battery, 7.4 Volts, 7200 mAh Capacity accredited via a great deal of feedbacks directly from real users verified that Lenmar (R) LIC970G Lithium-Ion Camcorder Battery, 7.4 Volts, 7200 mAh Capacity is excellent and useful item and well worth the cash that they paid. If you have any kind of questions about the features of the product or desire to check the up to date price of this item. Just select the hyperlink here, you will locate a great prices that certain.

Lenmar (R) LIC970G Lithium-Ion Camcorder Battery, 7.4 Volts, 7200 mAh Capacity Description
Compatible Canon camcorder models:VIXIA: FS10, FS11, FS20, FS21, FS22, FS30, FS31, FS36, FS37, FS100, FS200, FS300, HF10, HF11, HF20, HF21, HF100, HF200, HF M30, HF M31, HF M32, HF M300, HF M306, HF S10, HF S11, HF S20, HF S21, HF S100, HF S200, HG20, HG21, HG30 Replaces the Canon BP-9387ZH, BP-950, BP-950G, BP-950G (OTH) , BP-970, BP-97056GX, BP-970G and BP-970G (OTH) batteries. Reliable performance for your camcorder. So you won't miss a perfect moment because of a dead battery. Meets or exceeds OEM specifications. Lenmar (R) LIC970G Lithium-Ion Camcorder Battery, 7.4 Volts, 7200 mAh Capacity is one of many Camcorder Batteries available through Office Depot. Made by Lenmar.
Just before you acquire Lenmar (R) LIC970G Lithium-Ion Camcorder Battery, 7.4 Volts, 7200 mAh Capacity, you need to have a look at the features of the product, building material performance, advantages and disadvantages of the item so effectively. By researching customer reviews of this product, you should check out several customer reviews. The real customers encounter of these items shall aid you make the decision appropriately, rationally without getting blunder and well worth for the valuer.