Black Friday 2014 Deals Lorex SD7 Plus Wireless 4-Channel Home Video Surveillance Kit - LW2731
Lorex SD7 Plus Wireless 4-Channel Home Video Surveillance Kit - LW2731 available to buy currently, only just check out most current selling prices comparison along with shipping available for aid you in getting a huge selection.
Price : $327.85 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Lorex
Merchant :
Product ID : 466b627e71472190e647f0d8f4d09d47
Rating :

In case that you are likely taking into consideration to acquiring product with a superb top quality and also a practical deal. We strongly suggested this Lorex SD7 Plus Wireless 4-Channel Home Video Surveillance Kit - LW2731 is just one of top quality and additional preferred product product that you are looking for. Also if you examine it very carefully regarding product specification, functions and useful customer evaluations, obviously you should not refuse to acquire it one. You can check the recent price via the hyperlink under here.

Lorex SD7 Plus Wireless 4-Channel Home Video Surveillance Kit - LW2731 Description
All-in-One Monitor and Recorder:Wireless home camera system with SD card recording (up to 32GB SD card supported) View remotely via Skype Dual motion detection technologySecure wireless signal 2-way talk Multiple recording options: manual motion or scheduleTime and date stamped recordings for easy retrievalFront panel feather touch controlsDigital picture frame with the ability to upload your own pictures for discreet monitoringReview recordings and watch live video at the same time with Picture-In-Picture featureView up to 4 cameras at the same time or in sequenceAV output for viewing on a larger screen (e.g. TV) Tabletop wall or under-counter mountable monitorCamera Features:VGA (640 x 480) resolution cameraIR night visionUp to 180 (55m) indoor/650 (200m) outdoor wireless range Built-in PIR motion sensor for accurate motion detectionBuilt-in camera light filter provides accurate color reproduction in all lighting conditionsDurable weather-resistant housing for indoor/outdoor use (Not intended for direct exposure to rain or snow) Built-in microphone and speaker two-way audioIncludes one wireless camera power adapter and quick start guide
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