2014 Black Friday Lovely 7" Inch Android 4.2 Tablet PC Dual Core Kids Children Tablets RK3026 Capacitive Touchscreen Dual Camera WIFI Tablet 800x480 pixels 512MB 4GB TK70828 Don't Miss
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Price : $55.22 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Double King Industry Co., Ltd
Merchant : Newegg.com
Product ID : b55cf3a28e9c268daaf2e5d1a4f6b25f
Rating :
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Lovely 7" Inch Android 4.2 Tablet PC Dual Core Kids Children Tablets RK3026 Capacitive Touchscreen Dual Camera WIFI Tablet 800x480 pixels 512MB 4GB TK70828 Description
Lovely 7" Inch Android 4.2 Tablet PC Dual Core Kids Children Tablets RK3026 Capacitive Touchscreen Dual Camera WIFI Tablet 800x480 pixels 512MB 4GB TK70828 GPU/VPU: Power VR SGX 540 Color: Pink CPU Speed: 1.20GHz Resolution: 800 x 480 WLAN: 802.11b/g Wireless LAN Bluetooth: No HDMI: No Webcam: Dual Camera :Front camera: 0.3MP 'Rear camera: 2.0MP
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