Black Friday 2014 Men's Altra Footwear Olympus Blue Aster Don't Miss
Men's Altra Footwear Olympus Blue Aster is extremely an excellent products for a excellent total price, worth the cost. Truly joyful.
Price : $129.95 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Altra Footwear
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Product ID : d509cd7c8d912726936ed0d02675308c
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The product features are exceptional and fulled of excellent of Men's Altra Footwear Olympus Blue Aster is the main reason that takes it among the item you will really get possessed. And also, it is likewise friendly-budget to your budgets also. You could check the full product specification and look at awesome promotions that have been upgraded from the store via click the web link here. You may possibly look for the stimulating deal and you could not deny it, want you get the wonderful deal.

Men's Altra Footwear Olympus Blue Aster Description
Step into the only trail shoe with a foot-shaped toe box and max-cushioned Zero Drop platform. Named after one of the tallest peaks in the Wasatch Mountains, the Olympus is designed to help you conquer the toughest terrain. The max-cushioned Zero Drop platform and foot-shaped toe box combine to place your foot in a natural position for an efficient, stable trail running experience. Two-layer EVA cushioning with A-Bound offers flexible protection between your foot and the rugged rocks below. Quick-Dry trail mesh can handle the unexpected streams and muddy trails.Fit: True to SizeInsole: 5mm ContourOutsole: Trail Specific Sticky RubberUpper: Quick-Dry Trail MeshSpecial Features: Cushioned, Mesh, Perfed, Quick Dry, Running
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Men's Altra Footwear Olympus Blue Aster
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$129.95 | ![]() |