Black Friday Online Deals Metz - 52 Af-1 Digital Flash For Most Nikon Dslr Cameras Instantly
Metz - 52 Af-1 Digital Flash For Most Nikon Dslr Cameras is very excellent at the things it absolutely does. Keep you time and money through actually purchase at reliable merchants online.
Price : $299.99 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Metz
Merchant : Best Buy
Product ID : c4f733df6879badd5b7bde31c057190c
Rating :
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![Metz - 52 Af-1 Digital Flash For Most Nikon Dslr Cameras](
Metz - 52 Af-1 Digital Flash For Most Nikon Dslr Cameras Description
When attached to your camera's hot shoe, this Metz 52 AF-1 MZ 52314N digital flash adds light to your photos to ensure optimal image clarity. The illuminated touch-screen display makes operation simple.
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