Black Friday Sales 2014 Morovision MVPA-914656G Astroscope 9350EOS-3PRO-PINNACLE Night Vision Adapter for Canon EOS-Type SLR Cameras. Gen 3 PINNACLE Right Now
If you should in comparison product functionalities and cost. This Morovision MVPA-914656G Astroscope 9350EOS-3PRO-PINNACLE Night Vision Adapter for Canon EOS-Type SLR Cameras. Gen 3 PINNACLE is an excellent option to actually buy. Hot Offer Morovision MVPA-914656G Astroscope 9350EOS-3PRO-PINNACLE Night Vision Adapter for Canon EOS-Type SLR Cameras. Gen 3 PINNACLE
Price : $10436.99 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Morovision
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Product ID : 56837b5403bd6007c073e411ce7c0010
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When you are actually considering to buying product with a fantastic quality along with a sensible budget plan. We extremely suggested Morovision MVPA-914656G Astroscope 9350EOS-3PRO-PINNACLE Night Vision Adapter for Canon EOS-Type SLR Cameras. Gen 3 PINNACLE is among top quality and additional popular item item that you are seeking. Also if you learn it thoroughly regarding item detail, attributes and practical customer overviews, obviously you must certainly not reject to get it one. You can take a look at the recent price via the web link below.
Morovision MVPA-914656G Astroscope 9350EOS-3PRO-PINNACLE Night Vision Adapter for Canon EOS-Type SLR Cameras. Gen 3 PINNACLE Description
Convert Your Digital SLR Camera Into a High-Performance Night Vision System. Electrophysics AstroScope is an advanced night vision module that incorporates a state-of-the-art Gen 3 PRO image intensifier that transforms dark scenes - below 10-4 lux- into bright high-resolution images. The AstroScope 9350EOS-3PRO is specifically designed for Canon EOS-type cameras and mounts between the camera body and Canon EOS lenses using the standard Canon bayonet. AstroScope incorporates a high quality optic designed specifically for todays digital SLR cameras and delivers full frame images with little or no vignetting.Use High Performance Canon Lenses and Retain Lens Functions No Back Focus Adjustment Required No Vignetting on Most Platforms User-Friendly Rugged DesignInstalls in Under 10 Seconds Powered Directly by Camera Cost Saving Interchangeable Gen 3 PRO Central Intensifier Unit Camera Compatibility: Seamless electronic integration with Canon SLR cameras - film & digital- using EOS lenses Image Intensifier: Exceptional-grade interchangeable Gen 3 PINNACLE Central Intensifier Unit specially selected for extraordinary sensitivity resolution - 64 lp- mm typical- and contrast characteristics required for critical low-light photographic tasks Relay Optics: Fast - approx. f- 1.2- custom relay optics engineered to deliver the highest performance available for Night Vision photography Light-Gathering Performance: 10 to 12 f- Stop improvement Lens Mounts: Canon EOS bayonet lens mounts Power: Host interfaced powerAstroScope draws minimal power directly from camera - sensitive image intensifier is only energized when the shutter button is depressed protecting the unit from bright light sources- Chassis - Rugged compact and versatile epoxy-coated aluminum chassis designed for use in field environments Length: 4.9 inch - 124 mm- Maximum Diameter: 2.6 inch - 66 mm- Weight: 22.8 oz - 646 g-
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