Black Friday Ads 2014 Native Eyewear Vim Sunglasses - Polarized Reflex Lenses, Interchangeable Review
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Price : $159.00 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Native Eyewear
Merchant : Sierra Trading Post
Product ID : bf31d1245da0a5e7dca4ff692972525d
Rating :
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Native Eyewear Vim Sunglasses - Polarized Reflex Lenses, Interchangeable Description
CLOSEOUTS. Native Eyewear Vim sunglasses boast a sleek and sporty deign, with a semi-rimless frame and glare cutting lenses. A great choice for high-intensity sports. Available Colors: ASPHALT/COPPER REFLEX, IRON/BRONZE REFLEX, GUNMETAL/SILVER REFLEX.
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