Black Friday 2014 Nikon Action Extreme ATB Binoculars 8x40 7238 Review
With the Nikon Action Extreme ATB Binoculars 8x40 7238 you primarily begin to see the added benefits which will deal with you would like, recommended it's actually a good product for value.
Price : $149.95 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Nikon
Merchant : TackleDirect
Product ID : 92df90ad8be8ff1c8216badbcdf68156
Rating :

The product attributes are excellent and packed with quality of Nikon Action Extreme ATB Binoculars 8x40 7238 is the weighty idea that gets it among the product you will acquire possessed. And also, it is likewise friendly-budget to your wallets too. You could view the complete product information and visit great offers that have really been improved through the shop using click the link here. You can discover the exciting offer and you could not refuse it, desire you get the good deal.

Nikon Action Extreme ATB Binoculars 8x40 7238 Description
A real value for legendary Nikon optics, an extra-wide 430-foot field of view and rugged, ATB performance. Action Extreme ATB 8x40 Key Features: Bright, multicoated lenses and BaK4 high index prisms: Deliver bright, high-resolution images. Long eye relief: For a clear and comfortable view, especially for people who wear eyeglasses. Smooth central focus knob: Fast range of focus for quick viewing. No bird goes unseen. Unique click-stop, twist-out eyecup design: Delivers both long eye relief and variable eye relief to customize these binoculars to your eyes and accommodate glasses. Ergonomic body design: Comfortable for extended viewing. Durable and protective, rubber-armored coating: Provides a sure, non-slip grip, wet or dry. Waterproof/fogproof: Nitrogen filled and O-ring sealed. Manufactured responsibly with lead and arsenic-free Eco-Glass. View Action Extreme ATB 8x40 Tech Specs
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