Black Friday 2014 Deals Nikon Black COOLPIX A Digital Camera with 16.2 Megapixels and 1x Optical Zoom Review
Nikon Black COOLPIX A Digital Camera with 16.2 Megapixels and 1x Optical Zoom available to buy now, really check out the latest prices comparison plus delivery accessible for get you a huge selection. Hot Deal Nikon Black COOLPIX A Digital Camera with 16.2 Megapixels and 1x Optical Zoom
Price : $1096.95 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Nikon
Merchant : Walmart
Product ID : c75777498615f0450562925bcd99419d
Rating :
In case that you are likely looking to acquiring item with an awesome quality including a sensible budget plan. We highly suggested Nikon Black COOLPIX A Digital Camera with 16.2 Megapixels and 1x Optical Zoom is just one of top-notch and more prominent product product that you are seeking. Also if you learn it meticulously concerning item information, features and helpful customer overviews, obviously you need to certainly not reject to get it one. You could inspect the latest price through the link below.
Nikon Black COOLPIX A Digital Camera with 16.2 Megapixels and 1x Optical Zoom Description
Nikon COOLPIX A Digital Camera: 16.2 megapixel resolution with high-quality still images and video recordings The Nikon COOLPIX A Digital Camera features programmed Auto, Scene Modes, Best Shot Selector and 1080p Full HD Movie Recording NIKKOR 18.5mm zoom lens with 1x optical zoom Equivalent to a 28mm lens on an analog camera with Contrast-detect TTL AF, Glass Lens 3.0" TFT LCD screen with image editing features Featuring Brightness Adjustment, easy-to-read menu system, color TFT LCD screen The Black Digital Camera with 16.2 Megapixels has built-in flash with TTL auto flash with monitor preflashes Additional Features: 1 SD/SDHC/SDXC memory card slot (memory card not included) Rechargeable Lithium-Ion battery for up to 230 shots 1x Optical Zoom Digital Camera ISO Modes: Auto, 3200, 1600, 800, 400, 200, 100, 80 Black Digital Camera with 16.2 Megapixels File Formats Supported: JPEG, MOV, RAW, DCF, EXIF 2.3, DPOF compliant 4.4" x 0.8" x 1.6"; 10.6 oz Compatibility and Warranty: Compatible with PC or Mac 1-year limited manufacturer warranty What's in the Box: Nikon COOLPIX A Digital Camera Battery, charger and power cable USB cable Strap Accessory shoe cover NikonView NX2 Software
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Nikon Black COOLPIX A Digital Camera with 16.2 Megapixels and 1x Optical Zoom
Merchant : Walmart |
$1096.95 |