Black Friday 2014 Deals Nikon D3200 DSLR 2 Lens Bundle with 16GB Memory Card and Carrying Case Instantly
Nikon D3200 DSLR 2 Lens Bundle with 16GB Memory Card and Carrying Case in the marketplace now, take a moment to discover current selling prices comparison along with shipping and delivery readily available for get you the best bargain.
Price : $729.00 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Nikon
Merchant : Sam's Club
Product ID : 16f6d29388589629c376bcd16722d604
Rating :

If you are actually taking into consideration to shopping for product with a good high quality and a reasonable price. We strongly suggested Nikon D3200 DSLR 2 Lens Bundle with 16GB Memory Card and Carrying Case is one of high quality and even more well-liked product item that you are seeking. Also if you examine it thoroughly regarding product information, features and useful consumer overviews, of program you have to certainly not reject to get it one. You could examine the present price through the link under here.

Nikon D3200 DSLR 2 Lens Bundle with 16GB Memory Card and Carrying Case Description
24.2 MP DX-format CMOS sensor and EXPEED 3 Take your photos and videos to the next level 24.2 MP DX-format CMOS sensor and EXPEED 3 Why do photos and videos shot with a Nikon HD-SLR look so good? It all starts with Nikon's exclusive image sensors, and the D3200 has the most powerful CMOS sensor we've ever put in a HD-SLR at this level. Boasting an astounding 24.2 effective megapixels, it captures sharper, richer images-even in low light. Combine that with EXPEED 3 image processing, the processing power behind the acclaimed Nikon D4, for super-fast operation, exceptional image capture, in-camera filter effects and more. Your photos and videos will amaze even you. Master the camera simply by using it with a Guide Mode that ensures success Master the camera simply by using it Guide Mode ensures success It's never been easier to create HD-SLR quality photos, thanks to the D3200's Guide Mode. Learn the camera's key features and controls while you shoot, and even get advice and sample images to succeed in difficult shooting situations. Guide Mode is easy to access and easy to understand. You're never shooting alone with the D3200. One-touch Full HD 1080p movie recording with stereo sound Nikon is committed to developing HD-SLRs that are not just superlative still image cameras, but superlative video cameras, as well. With a touch of a button, the D3200 starts recording Full HD 1080p video with full-time autofocus, manual exposure control and stereo sound. Its breathtaking 921,000-dot, ultra-high-resolution display makes it easy to frame, monitor and review your footage. Even record in super-smooth slow motion up to 60 fps! Unleash your inner cinematographer. Fast and accurate shooting
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This Item Available from 1 Store
Image | Item | Price | |
Nikon D3200 DSLR 2 Lens Bundle with 16GB Memory Card and Carrying Case
Merchant : Sam's Club |
$729.00 | ![]() |