Black Friday Deals 2014 Nikon D5300 24.2MP DSLR Wi-Fi Camera with DX NIKKOR 18-55mm VR Lens & Accessories - Assorted Colors
With this Nikon D5300 24.2MP DSLR Wi-Fi Camera with DX NIKKOR 18-55mm VR Lens & Accessories - Assorted Colors you really to determine the positive aspects which deal with you are required, immensely important it actually is a good product for value.
Price : $859.00 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand :
Merchant : Nomorerack
Product ID : 0b1e32feec3c3840a08fd39d5f3d90b1
Rating :
The product features are exceptional and filled with premium quality of Nikon D5300 24.2MP DSLR Wi-Fi Camera with DX NIKKOR 18-55mm VR Lens & Accessories - Assorted Colors is the major purpose that makes it among the product you may acquire purchased. As well as, it is too friendly-budget to your budgets too. You can view the full product information and look at great advertisings that have really been updated through the shop via click the web link below. You may discover the interesting deal and you can not refuse it, want you have the amazing offer.
![Nikon D5300 24.2MP DSLR Wi-Fi Camera with DX NIKKOR 18-55mm VR Lens & Accessories - Assorted Colors](
Nikon D5300 24.2MP DSLR Wi-Fi Camera with DX NIKKOR 18-55mm VR Lens & Accessories - Assorted Colors Description
Your first foray into digital photography was with a compact camera, and now youre ready to step up your game and make the jump to a DSLR. This brand new Nikon D5300 is an excellent choice for anyone who is looking for the chance to get more creative with their photos. The design is incredibly lightweight, which means you wont mind taking it along with you on vacations or anywhere you go. Its 24.2MP DX-format CMOS sensor excels in any light, while the EXPEED 4 image processor offers fast operation and creative in-camera effects. With full HD (1080p) movie recording and in-camera tutorials, you know youll get incredible videos and still shots each and every time. Whats more, it comes with an 18-55mm lens kit and accessory bundle that has everything you need to get started with more dynamic photography. Want to know more? 1-year manufacturers warranty Model: D3200 24.2MP DX-format CMOS sensor 3.2" 1,037k-dot vari-angle rear LCD screen with 180 swivel design and SIC lens coating EXPEED 4 image processor AF-S DX NIKKOR 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6G VR II lens 35mm-equivalent focal length range of 27-82.5mm Wide ISO 12800 sensitivity range expandable to ISP 25600 Pentamirror optical viewfinder 5fps continuous shooting mode VR image stabilization One-touch 1920 x 1080p full HD 1080p movie recording at 60fps MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 video format i-TTL flash metering system Creative in-camera effects In-camera tutorials 6 scene modes and scene auto selector Multi-CAM 4800DX 39-point auto-focusing system intelligent Scene Recognition system with 3D Color Matrix Metering II WU-1a optional wireless mobile adapter--automatically send great images to your smartphone Built-in HDR and Active D-lighting modes Internal stereo microphone Measures 5" x 3.8" x 3.1" Weighs 1lb Supported languages: Arabic / Brazilian Portuguese / Chinese (Simplified and Traditional) / Czech / Danish / Dutch / English / Finnish / French / German / Greek / Hindi / Hungarian / Indonesian / Italian / Japanese / Korean / Norwegian / Polish / Portuguese / Romanian / Russian / Spanish / Swedish / Thai / Turkish / Ukrainian Available in your choice of Black or Red Final sale Whats in the box? Nikon 5300 AF-S DX NIKKOR 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6G VR II lens 16GB SD memory card Memory card reader 52mm wide-angle lens 52mm telephoto lens 52mm lens hood 3 piece 52mm UV filter Tripod Starter kit with cleaning solution, microfiber cleaning cloth and screen protector Flash Carrying case Wireless remote
If you are unsure on whether to buy Nikon D5300 24.2MP DSLR Wi-Fi Camera with DX NIKKOR 18-55mm VR Lens & Accessories - Assorted Colors or not, the method to assist you decide this issue is to read multiple customer reviews of this item. Read a number of assessments to identify whether it is a product that meets your correct demands or what this item could offer you some truly beneficial or are you could overlooked some down sides of it. So all of that make you have a purchasing with a good factor and worth the cash you spend.
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Nikon D5300 24.2MP DSLR Wi-Fi Camera with DX NIKKOR 18-55mm VR Lens & Accessories - Assorted Colors
Merchant : Nomorerack |
$859.00 | ![]() |