Black Friday Deals Nikon D5300 DX-Format Digital SLR Kit (Grey) w/ 18-55mm DX & 55-200mm VR Lens Bundle Don't Miss
Nikon D5300 DX-Format Digital SLR Kit (Grey) w/ 18-55mm DX & 55-200mm VR Lens Bundle is certainly a beneficial stuff for a incredibly good offer, worth the cost. Very pleased. Hot Deal Nikon D5300 DX-Format Digital SLR Kit (Grey) w/ 18-55mm DX & 55-200mm VR Lens Bundle
Price : $996.95 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Nikon
Merchant : Beach Trading Co.
Product ID : face1c5bb18ccbfef927ebb89c79aa29
Rating :
In case you are considering to shopping product at an exceptional top quality and a practical offer. We very recommended this Nikon D5300 DX-Format Digital SLR Kit (Grey) w/ 18-55mm DX & 55-200mm VR Lens Bundle is one of top-notch and even more preferred item item that you are seeking. Also if you learn it meticulously regarding product detail, functions and useful customer reviews, obviously you have to not reject to purchase it one. You can check the up to date price through the link under here.
Nikon D5300 DX-Format Digital SLR Kit (Grey) w/ 18-55mm DX & 55-200mm VR Lens Bundle Description
Bundle Includes: D5300 DX-Format Digital SLR Kit w/ 18-55mm DX VR II Lens 55-200mm f/4.5-5.6G ED AF-S VR DX Zoom-Nikkor 32GB Secure Digital SD Memory Card Compact Deluxe Gadget Bag Capture and instantly share the most vibrant, lifelike images of your life. Meet the first in an exciting new generation of Wi-Fi enabled, ultra-high-resolution Nikon HD-SLRs: the D5300. With built-in Wi-Fi for instant photo sharing to your smartphone or tablet, GPS and mapping, a cutting edge 24.2-megapixel image sensor, an extra-large swiveling Vari-angle LCD and more, D5300 brings an outstanding new level of image quality and capabilities in a compact, ergonomic design. Pair it with any NIKKOR lens-like the outstanding AF-S DX NIKKOR 18-140mm f/3.5-5.6G ED VR kit lens-and unleash the full potential of its innovative image sensor. Every photo will be richer, truer to life than most photos you've seen. Every HD video will have a stunning cinematic look, a level of sharpness and clarity that ignites on ultra-high-resolution tablets, laptops and TVs. And the first time you use your smartphone or tablet to instantly share photos from the D5300, you'll realize the game has truly changed. Your life in breathtaking clarity - A new level of image quality The sharpness, clarity and richness of colors in the D5300's photos and Full HD videos is nothing short of astounding. A recent design innovation allows the D5300's 24.2-megapixel DX format CMOS image sensor to capture the purest, most lifelike images possible. Enlarge or crop your photos without losing any sharpness or detail-a feat not possible with most smartphones and lesser cameras. Pair that capability with any exceptional NIKKOR lens, marvels of clarity and sharpness in their own right, and you'll experience the image quality your memories deserve. ---- Exquisite detail reproduction realized by an image sensor unit designed without an optical low-pass filter. Share every stunning image, instantly - A new level of connectivity With built-in Wi-Fi and GPS, the D5300 is the first in an exciting new generation of connected Nikon D-SLRs. Wirelessly connect to D5300 with your smartphone or tablet, then browse the photos on D5300's memory card, import your favorites and instantly email them, text them or post them online. While connected, your smart device can also act as a remote monitor for the D5300. See what the camera sees and even fire the shutter-perfect for group shots and self portraits! When traveling, built-in GPS geotags all of your shots. Create exciting travel journals, find nearby Points of Interest and easily share your location data when posting photos on Facebook or Flickr. Take it on every outing - Compact, lightweight, rugged and comfortable Don't let the small size of the D5300 fool you-it delivers big-camera quality and capabilities. Like all Nikon D-SLRs, the D5300 was designed for ergonomics-every button and dial was carefully placed for comfortable, efficient operation. Yet it's big in al
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Nikon D5300 DX-Format Digital SLR Kit (Grey) w/ 18-55mm DX & 55-200mm VR Lens Bundle
Merchant : Beach Trading Co. |
$996.95 |