Black Friday Sales 2014 Nikon D610 24.3MP Digital SLR Camera with 24-85mm and 70-300mm Lenses Don't Miss
Can be a safe compared product functionality and cost. This Nikon D610 24.3MP Digital SLR Camera with 24-85mm and 70-300mm Lenses is a great choice to get.
Price : $2749.95 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Nikon USA
Merchant :
Product ID : cdc73dda01bb8d65e2115088b866beab
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The product attributes are excellent and fulled of good quality of Nikon D610 24.3MP Digital SLR Camera with 24-85mm and 70-300mm Lenses is the huge factor that makes it one of the product you shall get possessed. Along with, it is also friendly budget to your budgets also. You could look at the complete item summary and look into amazing advertisings that have recently been up-dated coming from the store via click the web link below. You may possibly discover the stimulating offer and you can not refute it, wish you have the amazing price.

Nikon D610 24.3MP Digital SLR Camera with 24-85mm and 70-300mm Lenses Description
With a phenomenal 24.3 megapixel resolution, this Nikon D610 DSLR Camera is sure to capture your favorite memories. This DSLR camera set includes a 3.2-inch LCD monitor, a 24-85mm lens, and a 70-300mm lens. 24.3MP FX-Format CMOS sensorEXPEED 3 image processor3.2-inch 921k-Dot LCD monitorFull HD 1080p video recording at 30 fpsContinuous shooting up to 6 fpsExpandable sensitivity to ISO 25600Multi-CAM 4800 AF sensor with 39 pointsIncludes WU-1b wireless mobile adapterNIKKOR 70-300mm f/4.5-5.6G IF-ED VR lensNIKKOR 24-85mm f/3.5-4.5G ED VR lensDisplay: 3.2-inch wide viewing angle TFT-LCDResolution: 24.3 megapixles, 6 frames per secondZoom: 4.2 optical zoomShutter speed: 1/4000 to 30 second bulbMemory: 32GB SDPicture format: EXIF 2.3, RAW, MOV, JPEG, DPOF, DCFVideo format: MOVInterface: Accessory terminal, remote cord MC-DC2 (available separately) , GPS unit GP-1 (available separately) HDMI output: Type C mini-pin HDMI connectorHeadphone connectorHi-speed USBStereo microphone inputPower: EN-EL15 Lithium-ion battery, 900 shots (CIPA) Color: BlackModel: 13306Included items: One (1) Nikon D610 DSLR Camera, one (1) 24-85mm lens, one (1) 70-300mm lensDimensions: 4.4 inches high x 5.6 inches wide x 3.2 inches deepCamera body weight: 26.8 ounces (760 grams)
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