Black Friday Sale Nikon EN-EL10 Rechargeable Li-ion Battery with 8GB SD Memory Card + Accessory Kit Right Now
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Price : $52.95 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Nikon Inc
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Product ID : 867976eccf73606a2f842983bf2a649a
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![Nikon EN-EL10 Rechargeable Li-ion Battery with 8GB SD Memory Card + Accessory Kit](
Nikon EN-EL10 Rechargeable Li-ion Battery with 8GB SD Memory Card + Accessory Kit Description
Nikon EN-EL10 Rechargeable Li-ion Battery with 8GB SD Memory Card + Accessory Kit Compatibility: Compatible with any Nikon Digital Camera that requires an EN-EL10 battery including: COOLPIX S200 S210 S220 S230 S3000 S4000 S500 S510 S5100 S520 S570 S60 S600 S700 S80 Parts: 1 year Labor: 1 year
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