Black Friday Sales 2014 Nikon P-22 AR Rifle Scope Don't Miss
Nikon P-22 AR Rifle Scope is really excellent for just what it does. Save you money and time with actually buy at authentic retail stores online.
Price : $179.99 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Nikon
Merchant : Bass Pro Shops
Product ID : c7bca588a26f01838b7e3fd1bfe75153
Rating :

The product attributes are exceptional and fulled of quality of Nikon P-22 AR Rifle Scope is the key factor that allows it one of the item you will obtain bought. In addition to, it is too friendly budget to your pockets as well. You can find the full product information and visit excellent prices that have recently been up-dated coming from the site through click the web link below. You might possibly buy the beneficial deal and you could not refute it, desire you get the amazing price.

Nikon P-22 AR Rifle Scope Description
Specifically designed for high performance rimfire AR rifles firing the .22LR roundExtreme sighting speed and superior accuracy Tactical-style turrets with Zero-Reset featureFully multicoated optics for extreme brightness and incredibly high light transmissionGenerous and consistent eye reliefNitrogen-filled and O-ring sealed - waterproof and fogproof50-yard Parallax SettingA high performance rifle scope designed specifically for high performance rimfire AR rifles firing the .22LR round, the Nikonreg; P-22 AR Riflescope keeps you on target. Calibrated specifically for the .22LR round, the P-22 scopes feature tactical-style turrets with a zero-Reset feature for extreme sighting speed and tremendous accuracy. The 50-yard Parallax setting eliminates parallax for precise shooting. Fully multicoated optics deliver tremendous brightness and light transmission for a bright, sharp image every time. Generous and consistent eye relief maintains image precision through changing magnifications. The P-22 scopes use 1, one-piece main body tubes for maximum strength and durability with minimum weight. Nitrogen-filled and O-ring seals for trustworthy waterproof and fogproof performance. Color: Matte Black.
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This Item Available from 1 Store
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Nikon P-22 AR Rifle Scope
Merchant : Bass Pro Shops |
$179.99 | ![]() |