Black Friday Sale Nikon P-22 Rimfire Riflescopes - P-22 2-7x32 Nikoplex
If you should in comparison gadget functions and cost. The Nikon P-22 Rimfire Riflescopes - P-22 2-7x32 Nikoplex is a reasonable option to decide to purchase. Hot Offer Nikon P-22 Rimfire Riflescopes - P-22 2-7x32 Nikoplex
Price : $179.95 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Nikon
Merchant : Sinclair International
Product ID : fa49f33484c8bf5f586af0ed0a6192d7
Rating :
One of very good product is normally include Nikon P-22 Rimfire Riflescopes - P-22 2-7x32 Nikoplex certified by a lot of reviews directly from realistic buyers validated that Nikon P-22 Rimfire Riflescopes - P-22 2-7x32 Nikoplex is great and functional product and actually worth the money that they spent. If you have any sort of problems concerning the features of the product or desire to inspect the present price of the product. Exactly select the web link below, you will locate a budget friendly deals that certain.
Nikon P-22 Rimfire Riflescopes - P-22 2-7x32 Nikoplex Description
Nikon's variable power P-22 scopes are optimized for AR-15 rifles that are purpose-built for converted to the 22 LR rimfire cartridge. They feature water- fog- and shock-proof 1" O.D. tubes and come with a 50-yard fixed parallax setting. Precise tactical-style Zero-Reset turrets allow you to make quick adjustments and return to zero with a simple pull-and-twist motion. Fully-multicoated optics provide excellent distortion-free clarity from dawn to dusk. The Nikoplex reticle model includes Standard (1 200-1 300 fps) and Hyper Velocity (1 500-1 640 fps) turrets. BDC reticle compensates for bullet drop of a typical 22 LR load from 50 to 150 yards. Matte black finish. Mfg: Nikon SPECS:Reticle: BDC 150 or Nikoplex.Finish: Matte Black.Effective Objective diameter: 32mm.Exit Pupil: 16-4.6mm. Eye relief: 3.8 inches.FOV at 100 yards: 33.4-9.5 ft.Tube Diameter: 1 inch.Objective Diameter: 42.3mm / 1.67 inches.Eyepiece OD: 44mm / 1.73
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Nikon P-22 Rimfire Riflescopes - P-22 2-7x32 Nikoplex
Merchant : Sinclair International |
$179.95 |