2014 Black Friday Deals Nikon SC-28 Dedicated 9' TTL Coiled Sync Cord For Shoes Camera to Flash. Right Now
If you have to compared device benefits and value. Nikon SC-28 Dedicated 9' TTL Coiled Sync Cord For Shoes Camera to Flash. is a reasonable option to get. Hot Offer Nikon SC-28 Dedicated 9' TTL Coiled Sync Cord For Shoes Camera to Flash.
Price : $56.00 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Nikon Inc
Merchant : Newegg.com
Product ID : 53eb4b59994d8039c75dbf9360e7dfaf
Rating :
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Nikon SC-28 Dedicated 9' TTL Coiled Sync Cord For Shoes Camera to Flash. Description
Nikon SC-28 Dedicated 9' TTL Coiled Sync Cord For Shoes Camera to Flash.
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