Black Friday Deals Nikon Slughunter Reticles - Nikon Slughunter 3-9x40 Bdc 200 Reticle - Matte
Nikon Slughunter Reticles - Nikon Slughunter 3-9x40 Bdc 200 Reticle - Matte is truly excellent at what it totally does. Enable you to save money and time via buy at trusted online sites. Hot Offer Nikon Slughunter Reticles - Nikon Slughunter 3-9x40 Bdc 200 Reticle - Matte
Price : $229.95 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Nikon
Merchant : Sinclair International
Product ID : 9a32125258592178626f6d2e8a4918b0
Rating :
In case that you are likely looking to purchasing item at a really good top quality and an acceptable price. We highly advised this Nikon Slughunter Reticles - Nikon Slughunter 3-9x40 Bdc 200 Reticle - Matte is just one of top-notch and even more well-liked item product that you are seeking. Also if you examine it meticulously concerning product information, functions and practical consumer assessments, certainly you should not decline to buy it one. You could inspect the latest price through the link here.
Nikon Slughunter Reticles - Nikon Slughunter 3-9x40 Bdc 200 Reticle - Matte Description
With the SlugHunter scope you'll take your deer hunting out to a whole new range that you've never thought was possible before. The SlugHunter is designed for use with aerodynamic polymer tipped slugs and uses a special BDC 200 trajectory-compensating reticle that has easy-to-see ballistic circles to provide instant aiming points. Once sighted in on the crosshairs at 50 yards the BDC 200 has two aiming circles; one for 100 yards and a lower one for 150 yards the top of the lower post sights you in at 200 yards. Fully multi-coated lenses for bright and clear imaging. Plus a full 5" of eye relief. Easy-to-use " MOA windage and elevation adjustments to get you Mfg: Nikon
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Nikon Slughunter Reticles - Nikon Slughunter 3-9x40 Bdc 200 Reticle - Matte
Merchant : Sinclair International |
$229.95 |