Black Friday Online Deals Nikon WR-R10 (27105) Wireless Remote Controller (transceiver) Don't Miss
Nikon WR-R10 (27105) Wireless Remote Controller (transceiver) is actually an incredibly good stuff at a beneficial deal, worth every penny. Extremely happy. Hot Offer Nikon WR-R10 (27105) Wireless Remote Controller (transceiver)
Price : $99.95 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Nikon Inc
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Product ID : 0fa261f9c6664f17f38593416302a7e8
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In case you are certainly searching to getting item at a beneficial high quality including an affordable budget. We extremely suggested this Nikon WR-R10 (27105) Wireless Remote Controller (transceiver) is among top quality and additional well-liked item item that you are searching for. Also if you research it carefully regarding item description, features and useful customer testimonials, certainly you need to not refuse to acquire it one. You can examine the recent price from the hyperlink below.
Nikon WR-R10 (27105) Wireless Remote Controller (transceiver) Description
Nikon WR-R10 (27105) Wireless Remote Controller (transceiver) Features: Photographers can use the WR-T10 to simultaneously release the shutter on multiple cameras that have a WR-R10 unit attached and have been paired with the WR-T10. Three radio frequency channels are available for use, to prevent interference when multiple pairings or photographers are shooting in one location. Live View can be used with select D-SLRs released after the D4 (D4, D800/D800E, D600, D5200) . Range (line of sight) from the WR-T10 to WR-R10s is 66 feet (20 meters) . One WR-T10 unit can be paired with an unlimited number of cameras with a WR-R10 unit attached. When the WR-R10 is used along with the WR-A10 WR Adapter to connect to select Nikon Digital Cameras with a 10-pin connector, one camera can be designated as "master" and control the shutter release of up to 64 WR-R10 transceiver units. Useful for triggering the shutter remotely when ...
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Nikon WR-R10 (27105) Wireless Remote Controller (transceiver)
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