Black Friday 2014 Novoflex BALPRO T-S Universal Bellows with Tilt-Shift Feature for Cameras up to 6 x 7 Format Review
Novoflex BALPRO T-S Universal Bellows with Tilt-Shift Feature for Cameras up to 6 x 7 Format is certainly a really good items with a amazing price, worth every dollar. Truly joyful.
Price : $1805.90 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Novoflex
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Product ID : d6de76988a386e5ccedd4ecefc287bd2
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If you are usually thinking about to shopping for item with an awesome high quality and also a reasonable budget. We highly recommended this Novoflex BALPRO T-S Universal Bellows with Tilt-Shift Feature for Cameras up to 6 x 7 Format is among leading high quality and additional well-liked product item that you are searching for. Even if you study it very carefully concerning product specification, attributes and helpful consumer reviews, naturally you should certainly not refuse to purchase it one. You could check the existing price from the link below.
![Novoflex BALPRO T-S Universal Bellows with Tilt-Shift Feature for Cameras up to 6 x 7 Format](
Novoflex BALPRO T-S Universal Bellows with Tilt-Shift Feature for Cameras up to 6 x 7 Format Description
The Novoflex Balpro T/S tilt/shift bellows opens up completely new prospects for ambitious architecture and nature photographers. This bellow system rounds out Novoflexs comprehensive offering of high-end bellows. Following on the Novoflex Balpro 1 universal bellows the Balpro T/S now provides a perfect tilt/shift bellows system for cameras up to a 6 x 7 cm format. Novoflex offers three special lens heads (Componon S) by Schneider in Bad Kreuznach for the Balpro 1 and Balpro T/S bellows. These lens heads are flush-mounted permanently on the bellows. The lens heads allow adjustment to infinity with all cameras. Universal up to 6 x 7: The combination options are practically inexhaustible: virtually all 35mm and medium format lenses as well as special lenses can be used with nearly all 35 mm and many medium format cameras up to 6 x 7 cm. Tilt and Shift functions: Standard adjustment is 26mm horizontally the rotation 15 left and 15 right. Provides a tilt and shift function at the front and back of the bellows. In normal shooting position you can take ideal photographs according to Scheimpflug. Turn the bellows by 90 to portrait format to compensate for converging lines. Choice of lens heads: Componon S 80mm f/4.0 for 35mm format. Componon S 100mm f/4.0 for 645 format. Componon S 150mm f/4.0 for 6x6 format. High-precision controls attractive design and high-caliber manufacturing.
If you may need recommendation concerning the advantages and disadvantages related to Novoflex BALPRO T-S Universal Bellows with Tilt-Shift Feature for Cameras up to 6 x 7 Format. The easiest way is you can watch it from the customer reviews regarding this product. The actual experiences of users that using the products that how they give ranking for this product and exactly what they enjoy and not enjoy about this item. One of the most important is this item can probably be worked exactly just as you require or not. This is just one of the crucial info you have to know.