2014 Black Friday Cheap Price Novoflex PROSHIFT Novoflex Shift adapter for for BALPRO bellows requires 35mm camera adapter Don't Miss
When you have to compared device functionalities and value. Novoflex PROSHIFT Novoflex Shift adapter for for BALPRO bellows requires 35mm camera adapter is a reasonable decision to pay for.
Price : $707.27 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Novoflex
Merchant : UnbeatableSale.com
Product ID : 014dfc8a06077c0125b8b164b6858a8e
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One of wonderful item is feature Novoflex PROSHIFT Novoflex Shift adapter for for BALPRO bellows requires 35mm camera adapter verified through a great deal of reviews through actual consumers confirmed that Novoflex PROSHIFT Novoflex Shift adapter for for BALPRO bellows requires 35mm camera adapter is great and usable product and well worth the money that they paid for. If you have any kind of inquiries about the functions of the product or desire to inspect the existing price of this product. Right now select the link below, you will certainly discover a nice prices that obvious.

Novoflex PROSHIFT Novoflex Shift adapter for for BALPRO bellows requires 35mm camera adapter Description
Fitted to a Novoflex bellows the Novoflex PROSHIFT+ is used to take 2 or 3 individual shots using parallel shift and multiple exposures. These partial images are then merged automatically to a complete image using an appropriate program (Canon Photo Stitch Photoshop CS Photomerge etc.) . Photomerge has an advantage here because it supports fine corrections of the individual images at separate levels. The image or file size and thus the print quality is increased 2x to 2.4x depending on the sensor size. This also applies to future cameras with 8 10 and 12 megapixels. To obtain 3 separate files suitable for mounting the lighting should be identical and the exposure setting (shutter speed/aperture) plus the white balance should be fixed manually. In combination with the Novoflex BALPRO 1 or BALPRO T/S universal bellows the useful focal length is between 80 and 150mm with the effective focal length approximately halved by the larger image field. In effect the image area taken with a focal length of 150mm corresponds to a single image taken at about 80mm. The adapter can be tilted for portrait or landscape format and offers all the benefits of the interchangeable Novoflex adapter system so that a change of the camera system wont present any new problems. The adapter can also be used with film SLR cameras for normal photography with shift function. Dimensions: 4.1 x 4.9. Travel Distance: 1.
Before you get Novoflex PROSHIFT Novoflex Shift adapter for for BALPRO bellows requires 35mm camera adapter, you ought to look at the features of the product, material efficiency, benefits and drawbacks of the item so properly. By reading customer reviews of this item, you must review numerous customer reviews. The actual customers encounter of these items will guide you make a decision correctly, logically without acquiring blunder and really worth for the value.