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Price : $60.95 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : TOPRAM
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Product ID : bffac7f28b8687e39ff03ae9a7d39d58
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OEM 128GB SD SDHC 128GB SDXC Card Class 10 Ultra High Speed UHS-I for Camera & Camcorder with USB 2.0 Reader Description
OEM 128GB SD SDHC 128GB SDXC Card Class 10 Ultra High Speed UHS-I for Camera & Camcorder with USB 2.0 Reader Speed Class Rating: UHS-1/Class 10
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OEM 128GB SD SDHC 128GB SDXC Card Class 10 Ultra High Speed UHS-I for Camera & Camcorder with USB 2.0 Reader
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$60.95 |