Black Friday 2014 Olympus 25 mm f/1.8 Fixed Focal Length Lens for Micro Four Thirds Review
Generally the Olympus 25 mm f/1.8 Fixed Focal Length Lens for Micro Four Thirds is extremely well designed, functions perfectly, I most surely look into the purchase is really worth the extra money.
Price : $399.99 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Olympus Corporation
Merchant :
Product ID : 0a83c4bdf5101d2a27f36c69198f92e7
Rating :
In the event that you are usually taking into consideration to ordering item at a top notch high quality including an affordable budget. We very suggested Olympus 25 mm f/1.8 Fixed Focal Length Lens for Micro Four Thirds is among leading high quality and more popular product item that you are looking for. Also if you learn it carefully regarding item description, features and useful customer evaluations, of program you need to certainly not decline to buy it one. You can take a look at the current price via the web link here.
![Olympus 25 mm f/1.8 Fixed Focal Length Lens for Micro Four Thirds](
Olympus 25 mm f/1.8 Fixed Focal Length Lens for Micro Four Thirds Description
With a 25mm focal length and 47 degree angle of view, this lens sits right between wide and telephoto designs, making it a great choice as an all-around lens for your photography. A fast f1.8 circular aperture delivers beautifully soft defocused backgrounds for impressive portraits or when subject emphasis is the desired photographic effect. An inner focusing mechanism assures fast and accurate auto-focusing, and because it is an MSC design, it offers nearly silent focusing operation - a great feature when shooting HD movies. Manufacturer: Olympus Corporation Manufacturer Part Number: V311060BU000 Manufacturer Website Address: Brand Name: Olympus Product Name: M.Zuiko 25mm f1.8 Product Type: Lens Technical Information: Lens Type: Fixed Focal Length Technical Information: Lens Mount Type: Micro Four Thirds Technical Information: Motor Type: MSC Physical Characteristics: Color: Black Application/Usage: Camera Package Contents: M.Zuiko 25mm f1.8 Lens Cap (LC-46) Lens Rear Cap (LR-2) Lens Hood (LH-49B) Decoration Ring (DR-49) Instruction Manual Olympus Worldwide Warranty Card Compatibility: Olympus Micro Four Thirds Cameras
If you are uncertain on whether to acquire Olympus 25 mm f/1.8 Fixed Focal Length Lens for Micro Four Thirds or not, the action to assist you decide this issue is to take a look at multiple customer reviews of this product. Check out a number of assessments to determine whether it is an item that encounters your precise requirements or exactly what this product could give you some truly valuable or are you could overlooked some cons of it. So all of that provide you have a purchase with a good factor and worth the money you pay out.