Black Friday Deals OLYMPUS HLD-7 V328140BU000 Power Battery Holder for E-M1 Right Now
OLYMPUS HLD-7 V328140BU000 Power Battery Holder for E-M1 available presently, actually find out most recent selling prices comparison plus shipping accessible for help you to get a huge selection.
Price : $215.68 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Olympus America Inc.
Merchant :
Product ID : cda1d3bf375dbed446c1adcf367058ab
Rating :

Along with extremely good product is offer OLYMPUS HLD-7 V328140BU000 Power Battery Holder for E-M1 certified by a lot of feedbacks from genuine customers validated that OLYMPUS HLD-7 V328140BU000 Power Battery Holder for E-M1 is great and usable product and worth the money that they paid. If you have any questions concerning the attributes of the item or desire to check the latest price of the item. Recently click on the web link here, you shall find a affordable prices that obvious.

OLYMPUS HLD-7 V328140BU000 Power Battery Holder for E-M1 Description
OLYMPUS HLD-7 V328140BU000 Power Battery Holder for E-M1 Type: Accessory Specifications: Dimensions (combined) : 4.7 x 1.9 x 1.6 in. (119.2 x 48.9 x 41.4 mm) Weight: 7.9 oz. (225 g) Compatibility: E-M1 Features: The HLD-7 Power Battery Holder is a dustproof and splashproof power battery holder that can enable the capture of approximately 680 shots (based on CIPA tests) between charges. It features a shutter button for shooting with the camera held vertically and two control dials and two function buttons for the same easy controls as when shooting from a horizontal position.
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