Black Friday 2014 Ads OLYMPUS ME-52W Black Microphone Instantly
OLYMPUS ME-52W Black Microphone is extremely a beneficial items with a incredibly good selling price, worth every penny. Really joyful. Hot Offer OLYMPUS ME-52W Black Microphone
Price : $19.99 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Olympus America Inc.
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Product ID : 50ff6329aa94abcc5ef5dfc02cd8a8c2
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OLYMPUS ME-52W Black Microphone Description
Olympus ME-52W Detachable Microphone Microphone Sensitivity: -40 dB Microphone Frequency Response: Minimum Frequency Response 100 Hz - Maximum Frequency Response 15 kHz Features: Package Contents: ME-52W Detachable Microphone Windscreen Cover 1 x Tie Clip 3.3ft Extension Cord Weight (Approximate) :0.14 oz Connectivity Technology:Wired Microphone Technology:Noise Cancelling Cable Length:3.30 ft
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