Black Friday 2014 Olympus OM-D E-M5 BLK 12-50mm Black Digital SLR Camera 16GB Kit Right Now
Olympus OM-D E-M5 BLK 12-50mm Black Digital SLR Camera 16GB Kit available for purchase now, absolutely find out most current prices comparison along with shipping and delivery accessible for help you to get the hottest deal. Hot Deal Olympus OM-D E-M5 BLK 12-50mm Black Digital SLR Camera 16GB Kit
Price : $1299.00 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Olympus
Merchant : Beach Trading Co.
Product ID : efb254774935792a33b64e7a13f1364a
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When you are usually thinking about to shopping for item at an extremely good top quality as well as an acceptable price. We extremely advised Olympus OM-D E-M5 BLK 12-50mm Black Digital SLR Camera 16GB Kit is one of high quality and more popular product item that you are trying to find. Also if you learn it thoroughly concerning product specification, attributes and useful consumer reviews, of course you should not decline to buy it one. You could check out the present price from the web link under here.
Olympus OM-D E-M5 BLK 12-50mm Black Digital SLR Camera 16GB Kit Description
The revolutionary mirrorless camera, the OM-D E-M5, has an exceptionally light and compact body. Its Electronic View Finder enables photographers to check exposure levels, white balance and preview Art Filter effects in real-time. When shooting, the photographer can instantly "create" a truly unique world and preserve it in exceptional quality. The "world" will be transformed from something you see to something you "take part" in. The OM-D is a groundbreaking, new digital interchangeable lens camera perfect for people who want to "take part", "create", and "share". ELECTRONIC VIEWFINDER The OM-D's high-resolution electronic viewfinder (EVF) features a 100% field-of-view coverage and 1.15x maximum magnification that let you totally immerse yourself in your subject, and actively control image creation. The EVF also enables you to enlarge the focus point for precision focusing in virtually any shooting situation, and can show you the effect of Highlight Shadow Control, White Balance, Exposure Compensation, Aspect Ratio, and a host of other settings and advanced digital image processing functions right in the viewfinder. With improved precision and responsiveness that make it as easy to use as an optical viewfinder, the OM-D's advanced EVF gives you virtually unlimited creative control. HIGH IMAGE QUALITY Three key factors contribute to the OM-D's unprecedented image quality: a wide lineup of M.ZUIKO DIGITAL lenses for sharp, clear subject capture, a new 16-megapixel Live MOS image sensor for rich tonal expression, and an advanced TruePic VI image processor for superb color fidelity. The optimal balance of these factors ensures the high resolution, sensitivity, and color accuracy you need to brilliantly capture the world around you. FAST AF The world's fastest* AF system, FAST AF, has been made even faster and more accurate on the OM-D. Improved new 3D Tracking AF assures you won't miss the moment even when subjects move toward or away from you, and the new high-sensitivity image sensor ensures superior AF performance even in dim light. *Among digital cameras with interchangeable lenses available as of February 8, 2012, when using the OLYMPUS M. ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 12-50mm F3.5-6.3 EZ lens with the E-M5, based on Olympus in-house measurement conditions. 9 FPS HIGH-SPEED SEQUENTIAL SHOOTING Thanks to the new 16-megapixel Live MOS image sensor's high-speed read-out performance, the OM-D offers maximum sequential shooting at 9 fps, making it easy to capture sports action or fast-moving subjects such as pets and wildlife. In addition, a compact new high-speed shutter mechanism enables the OM-D to offer this performance without compromising the handling advantages of a light and compact body. Lorem Ipsum 5-AXIS IMAGE STABILIZATION The OM-D is equipped with the world's first 5-axis image stabilization system, and can compensate for vertical, horizontal, and rotational camera shake that conventional 2-axis systems of the past have been unable to h
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Olympus OM-D E-M5 BLK 12-50mm Black Digital SLR Camera 16GB Kit
Merchant : Beach Trading Co. |
$1299.00 |