Black Friday Deals 2014 Olympus Tough TG-850 16 Megapixel Compact Camera - Black Review
In general the Olympus Tough TG-850 16 Megapixel Compact Camera - Black is quite well designed, works magnificently, I probably look into the buy online is worth the budget. Hot Offer Olympus Tough TG-850 16 Megapixel Compact Camera - Black
Price : $199.99 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Olympus Corporation
Merchant :
Product ID : 1b2723aee25ac24e06187f13a46f59a1
Rating :
In the event that you are usually considering to purchasing product at an exceptional high quality as well as a reasonable offer. We very recommended this Olympus Tough TG-850 16 Megapixel Compact Camera - Black is one of high quality and even more popular item item that you are searching for. Also if you examine it carefully concerning item description, features and handy consumer overviews, obviously you need to not reject to get it one. You could inspect the latest price via the web link below.
Olympus Tough TG-850 16 Megapixel Compact Camera - Black Description
RUGGED STYLE. REFINED FEATURES. Outdoor adventures spice up our lives...and the TG-850 is the perfect camera for preserving the memories. A super-wide lens takes in more of the beauty. A sophisticated sensor/image processor combo ensures vivid image quality. And features like a 180 degree flip LCD (because...selfies!) , time interval shooting and pro-quality video make the TG-850 as refined as it is rugged. Manufacturer: Olympus Corporation Manufacturer Part Number: V104150BU000 Manufacturer Website Address: Brand Name: Olympus Product Line: Tough Product Model: TG-850 Product Name: Tough TG-850 Compact Camera Product Type: Compact Camera Display & Graphics: Display Screen Type: LCD Display & Graphics: Image Sensor Type: BSI CMOS Image: Aspect Ratio: 16:9 Image: Image Formats: JPEG Video: Video Formats: Motion JPEG Video: HD Movie Mode: Yes Audio: Audio Formats: PCM Lens: Wide Angle: Yes Lens: Image Stabilization: Optical Lens: Focus Modes: Auto Flash: Flash Modes: LED Memory: Memory Card Supported: Secure Digital Extended Capacity (SDXC) Network & Communication: GPS: No Interfaces/Ports: USB: Yes Interfaces/Ports: HDMI: Yes Built-in Devices: Built-in Devices: Microphone
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