Black Friday 2014 Opteka 0.45x Wide Angle & 2.2x Telephoto HD2 Pro Lens Set for Canon PowerShot A570 A590 IS Digital Camera Don't Miss
Opteka 0.45x Wide Angle & 2.2x Telephoto HD2 Pro Lens Set for Canon PowerShot A570 A590 IS Digital Camera for your purchases today, take a moment to notice most current prices comparison plus shipping accessible to help you to get a huge selection.
Price : $64.95 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Opteka
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Product ID : d0516803d3031f11ce7ee2faf637ed34
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Opteka 0.45x Wide Angle & 2.2x Telephoto HD2 Pro Lens Set for Canon PowerShot A570 A590 IS Digital Camera Description
Opteka 0.45x Wide Angle & 2.2x Telephoto HD2 Pro Lens Set for Canon PowerShot A570 A590 IS Digital Camera Type: Digital Camera Accessory Kits
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Opteka 0.45x Wide Angle & 2.2x Telephoto HD2 Pro Lens Set for Canon PowerShot A570 A590 IS Digital Camera
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$64.95 | ![]() |