Black Friday Deals Opteka BD-10 Studio 23-Inch DSLR Digital Camera Dish Dome Flash Portrait Shadow Reflector Diffuser Diverter Studio Light for Polaroid PL150 PL-150 PL160 PL-160 Right Now
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Price : $7.95 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Opteka
Merchant :
Product ID : 23d077e48ea35cac7a158cc878d27cb0
Rating :
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![Opteka BD-10 Studio 23-Inch DSLR Digital Camera Dish Dome Flash Portrait Shadow Reflector Diffuser Diverter Studio Light for Polaroid PL150 PL-150 PL160 PL-160](
Opteka BD-10 Studio 23-Inch DSLR Digital Camera Dish Dome Flash Portrait Shadow Reflector Diffuser Diverter Studio Light for Polaroid PL150 PL-150 PL160 PL-160 Description
Opteka BD-10 Studio 23-Inch DSLR Digital Camera Dish Dome Flash Portrait Shadow Reflector Diffuser Diverter Studio Light for Polaroid PL150 PL-150 PL160 PL-160 PL190 PL-190 PL126 PL-126 PL108 PL-108
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