Black Friday 2014 Opteka FB-10 DSLR Digital Camera External Flip Flash Stand Bracket Adapter Holder Mount for Sony Alpha 7 7R 7S A3000 A3500 A5000 A6000 A100 A200 A230 A290 A300 Don't Miss
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Price : $17.95 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Opteka
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Product ID : 3787c66050083b185a6d30bae47937a2
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Opteka FB-10 DSLR Digital Camera External Flip Flash Stand Bracket Adapter Holder Mount for Sony Alpha 7 7R 7S A3000 A3500 A5000 A6000 A100 A200 A230 A290 A300 Description
Opteka FB-10 DSLR Digital Camera External Flip Flash Stand Bracket Adapter Holder Mount for Sony Alpha 7 7R 7S A3000 A3500 A5000 A6000 A100 A200 A230 A290 A300 A330 A350 A380 A390 A450 A500 A550 A560
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