Black Friday Deals Panasonic DMC-ZS35K-R LUMIX Long Zoom Digital Camera
With Panasonic DMC-ZS35K-R LUMIX Long Zoom Digital Camera you only just look at the added benefits that come in contact with you are required, recommended it is usually a good product for value. Hot Offer Panasonic DMC-ZS35K-R LUMIX Long Zoom Digital Camera
Price : $178.95 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Panasonic
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Product ID : d7a5d0d9ae5ecfb48c28a9e975896c03
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In case you are usually looking to buying item at an extremely good high quality together with a reasonable spending plan. We very suggested this Panasonic DMC-ZS35K-R LUMIX Long Zoom Digital Camera is among premium and more popular item product that you are searching for. Even if you research it very carefully about item detail, attributes and useful consumer assessments, naturally you should certainly not reject to get it one. You can check out the up to date price through the hyperlink below.
Panasonic DMC-ZS35K-R LUMIX Long Zoom Digital Camera Description
"Panasonic DMC-ZS35K The Panasonic DMC-ZS35 is a 16 megapixel with WiFi enabled long zoom compact travel camera that delivers phenomenal image quality. The camera features a 180 tilting design front facing flip-up monitor for selfies . This camera has a 35mm ultra wide-angle lens that provides users with wider range of composition possibilities, larger viewing space which minimizes distortion at the wide end and delivers spectacular depth in detail. The DMC-ZS35 features creative control mode which provides 15 different filter effects for modifying the appearance of your images expressive, retro, old days, high key, low key, sepia, dynamic monochrome, impressive art, high dynamic, cross process, toy effect, miniature effect, soft focus, star filter and one point color. It has Optical Image Stabilizer which helps to capture clear and sharp images even in low light scenes. The camera allows to instantly share images using Wi-Fi and NFC technology with a smartphone or tablet. DMC-ZS35 Features: 16 Mega Pixels, 3.0"" TFT Screen LCD Display, Versatile 180 Tiltable Monitor, 20x Optical Zoom, 40x Intelligent Zoom, Intelligent Auto (iA) Mode, Remote Shooting, Power O.I.S. - Optical Image Stabilizer, 24mm Ultra Wide-Angle Lens, WiFi Connectivity w/ Smartphones & Tablets, 1920 x 1080 Full HD Movie Recording, Unique Filter Effects, Creative Control/Retouch & Creative Panorama, AC / USB Battery Charging, Wi-Fi & NFC, Extended Battery Life, Performance Features: Focusing Area: - Normal: Wide 50 cm - infinity / Tele 200 cm - infinity - Macro: Wide 3 cm - infinity / Tele 100 cm - infinity, Metering Mode: Multi Metering / Center Weighted / Spot, Optical Zoom: 20x, Digital: 4x, Intelligent Zoom: 40x, White Balance: Auto / Daylight / Cloudy / Shade / Incandescent / White Set, Exposure: Aperture Priority, Manual, Programmed Auto, Shutter Priority, Exposure Compensation: 1/3 EV step, 2 EV, ISO"
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Panasonic DMC-ZS35K-R LUMIX Long Zoom Digital Camera
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$178.95 |