Black Friday 2014 Panasonic ET-ELW04 Zoom Lens Instantly
Panasonic ET-ELW04 Zoom Lens is very really good at just what it definitely does. Save you money and time via buy at authentic merchants online. Hot Offer Panasonic ET-ELW04 Zoom Lens
Price : $2508.53 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Panasonic
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Product ID : 14b154d728af2bb008dbbe4fb853d193
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In the case that you are really looking to shopping item at a beneficial high quality including a practical price. We highly suggested Panasonic ET-ELW04 Zoom Lens is one of top-notch and additional well-liked item item that you are looking for. Even if you research it carefully about item specification, functions and useful customer overviews, naturally you should not decline to get it one. You could examine the latest price via the web link below.
Panasonic ET-ELW04 Zoom Lens Description
"Panasonic ET-ELW04 Brand New Includes One Year Warranty, The Panasonic ETELW04 is a zoom lens Specifically for the panasonic PT-EX16KU large venue professional projector. This zoom lens allows to vary projection distance by adjusting the focal distance and thus compensating miscalculations during installation. The lens has a zoom ratio of 1.3:1 and a standard-throw ratio that fluctuates depending on the aspect ratio of the projector. ETELW04 Features: Zoom Lens, Focal Length: 58 to 76mm, Varies Projection Distance - By Adjusting the Focal Distance, F 1.7-2.3 Aperture, Zoom Ratio: 1.3:1, Throw Ratio: 1.5 to 2.0:1, Durable Construction, Works With The Following Models: PT-EX16K"
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This Item Available from 2 Store
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Panasonic ET-ELW04 Zoom Lens
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$2508.53 | ||
Panasonic BTS ET-ELW04 Zoom Lens
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$2399.46 |