Black Friday Sale Panasonic ETPKE16B Ceiling Mount Brackets Right Now
Panasonic ETPKE16B Ceiling Mount Brackets is certainly an incredibly good products with a good total price, worth every penny. Truly satisfied.
Price : $1566.83 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Panasonic
Merchant :
Product ID : 5a60d7ca4c54935b4afd0e493c151f1a
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Among excellent item is feature Panasonic ETPKE16B Ceiling Mount Brackets accredited via a great deal of feedbacks directly from actual consumers verified that Panasonic ETPKE16B Ceiling Mount Brackets is great and functional item and be good for the money that they paid. If you have any questions regarding the features of the product or wish to inspect the up to date price of the item. Simply click on the link below, you shall find a really good offers that undeniable.

Panasonic ETPKE16B Ceiling Mount Brackets Description
"Panasonic ETPKE16B Brand New, The Panasonic ETPKE16B is a ceiling mount bracket when used with the PTEX12KU, PTEX16KU, ET-PKE16H or PKE16S ceiling mount bracket, allows you to mount the PTEX16K projector to a ceiling. ETPKE16B Features: Bracket Assembly, Designed For Mounting Projectors Onto Ceiling, Works With The Following Projector Models: PTEX12KU PTEX16KU PT-EX16K Includes: 2 Fixer Plate, 4 Washer-fitted Hexagonal Bolts (M10 45) , 4 Washer-fitted Hexagonal Bolts (M8 35) , 4 Washer-fitted Hexagonal Bolts (M8 16) , 4 Washer-fitted Hexagonal Bolts (M5 12) , 4 Protection Sheet, Wire Rope"
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