Black Friday Sales Panasonic FV-08VKL4 WhisperGreen 80 CFM Ventilation Fan with DC Motor And Light Instantly
Panasonic FV-08VKL4 WhisperGreen 80 CFM Ventilation Fan with DC Motor And Light is really a very good products with a good selling price, worth every cent. Extremely satisfied. Hot Deal Panasonic FV-08VKL4 WhisperGreen 80 CFM Ventilation Fan with DC Motor And Light
Price : $201.85 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Panasonic
Merchant : HomeClick
Product ID : 03e37c1079d08074aed097ba83d0303a
Rating :
In case that you are certainly looking to shopping item at a beneficial high quality including a practical price. We highly suggested Panasonic FV-08VKL4 WhisperGreen 80 CFM Ventilation Fan with DC Motor And Light is one of top-notch and additional well-liked item item that you are looking for. Even if you research it carefully about item specification, functions and useful customer overviews, naturally you should not decline to get it one. You could examine the latest price via the web link below.
Panasonic FV-08VKL4 WhisperGreen 80 CFM Ventilation Fan with DC Motor And Light Description
This WhisperGreen model features built-in intelligence called SmartFlow Optimum CFM Technology. This unique "electronic-brain" lets the fan do what was once thought to be impossible: perform at a constant CFM regardless of elbows and other factors that might hinder performance. Basically, when a WhisperGreen fan faces static pressure, its speed is automatically increased to ensure that the desired CFM is actually achieved. This allows the fan to perform as rated and makes for easier sizing because the specifiers no longer has to worry as much about compromising the fan's performance.Quiet motor means quiet operation Bright ideas Energy star-qualified for energy savings User-friendly installation Tired of cold air coming through your ventilation fanBlower Wheel Type: Sirocco Color Temperature (Kelvin) : 3,500 CustomVent Variable Speed Control: No Depth: 17 Duct Diameter (inches) : 4 or 6 Energy Star Qualified: Yes Grille Size (inches sq.) : 13 Height: 12 High Low Delay Timer: No Lamp Color Rendering Index: 84 Lamp Model: LPFHT32E35 Lamp Watts: 32 Motor Type: DC Mounting Opening (inches sq.) : 10-1 2 Night Light Lamp Watts: 4 Rated Life (hours) : 10,000 SmartAction Motion Sensor: No SmartFlow Optimum CFM Technology: Yes Thermal Fuse Protection: Yes Type of Motor: Bearing Ball UL tub Shower Enclosure: Yes Weight: 13.5 Width: 14-1 4
Just before you acquire Panasonic FV-08VKL4 WhisperGreen 80 CFM Ventilation Fan with DC Motor And Light, you should look into the features of the item, building material efficiency, benefits and drawbacks of the product so properly. By looking at customer reviews of this item, you must view a number of customer reviews. The real customers encounter of these items may assist you make a decision properly, rationally without purchasing error and well worth for the value.
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Image | Item | Price | |
Panasonic FV-08VKL4 WhisperGreen 80 CFM Ventilation Fan with DC Motor And Light
Merchant : HomeClick |
$201.85 |