Black Friday 2014 Deals Panasonic H-FS045200-3 Pack Panasonic Lumix G Vario Telephoto Zoom Len Right Now

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Panasonic H-FS045200-3 Pack Panasonic Lumix G Vario Telephoto Zoom Len

Hot Deal Panasonic H-FS045200-3 Pack Panasonic Lumix G Vario Telephoto Zoom Len
Price : $869.95 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Panasonic
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Product ID : 06d2b932aed9f6e87618983a12461976
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When you are actually taking into consideration to buying product at an amazing quality as well as an affordable price. We highly suggested Panasonic H-FS045200-3 Pack Panasonic Lumix G Vario Telephoto Zoom Len is just one of high quality and even more well-liked item item that you are seeking. Even if you examine it very carefully regarding product information, attributes and valuable customer comments, obviously you need to not refuse to buy it one. You could inspect the present price from the hyperlink under here.

Panasonic H-FS045200-3 Pack Panasonic Lumix G Vario Telephoto Zoom Len

Panasonic H-FS045200-3 Pack Panasonic Lumix G Vario Telephoto Zoom Len Description

"Panasonic H-FS045200 (3 Pack) Brand New Includes 90 Day Warranty, The Panasonic H-FS045200 is a Micro 4/3 telephoto zoom interchangeable lens with OIS and metal mount that can be used with a Panasonic Lumix G153 Micro System Camera or any Micro 4/3 System Camera. It is made of high quality multi-coated elements. H-FS045200 Features: Lumix 45-200mm / F4.0-5.6 Lens, Micro Four Thirds Mount, MEGA O.I.S. (Optical Image Stabilizer) , Maximum Diameter: Approx. 70mm, 14mm to 200mm Focal Length / F4.0-5.6 Aperture Range, Overall Length: Approx. 100mm, Multi-Coated Elements, For Panasonic Models DMC-G10K DMC-G1A DMC-G1K DMC-G1R DMC-G2A DMC-G2K DMC-G2R DMC-G3KBODY DMC-G3KK DMC-G3KR DMC-G3KT DMC-G3KW DMC-GF1C-K DMC-GF1K-K DMC-GF2CK DMC-GF2CR DMC-GF2CS DMC-GF2CW DMC-GF2KK DMC-GF2KR DMC-GF2KS DMC-GF2KW DMC-GF3CK DMC-GF3CR DMC-GF3CT DMC-GF3CW DMC-GF3KBODY DMC-GF3KK DMC-GF3KR DMC-GF3KT DMC-GF3KW DMC-GF3XK DMC-GF3XR DMC-GF3XT DMC-GF3XW DMC-GF5KK DMC-GF5KR DMC-GF5KW DMC-GF5XK DMC-GF5XR DMC-GF5XW DMC-GH1K DMC-GH1K-Body-Only DMC-GH2HK DMC-GH2K-BODY-ONLY DMC-GH2KK DMC-GH2KS DMC-GH2S-BODY-ONLY DMC-GX1KBODY DMC-GX1KK DMC-GX1KS DMC-GX1SBODY DMC-GX1XK DMC-GX1XS"

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Panasonic H-FS045200-3 Pack Panasonic Lumix G Vario Telephoto Zoom Len
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price as of : 2014-11-07