2014 Black Friday Deals Panasonic H-H020AS (4 Pack) Lumix G 20mm / F1.7 II ASPH. Lens SILVER Don't Miss
Panasonic H-H020AS (4 Pack) Lumix G 20mm / F1.7 II ASPH. Lens SILVER is seriously an extremely good products at the good price, worth the cost. Truly pleased.
Price : $1718.95 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Panasonic
Merchant : FactoryOutletStore.com
Product ID : 9da42ac1ece2591a55eb9a32efc1baa4
Rating :

The product attributes are excellent and loadeded with premium quality of Panasonic H-H020AS (4 Pack) Lumix G 20mm / F1.7 II ASPH. Lens SILVER is the major factor that gets it among the product you will get possessed. And, it is also friendly-budget to your pockets too. You could see the full item detail and look into extra prices that have probably been improved coming from the site using click the web link below. You might possibly look for the very cool deal and you could not reject it, wish you have the awesome deal.

Panasonic H-H020AS (4 Pack) Lumix G 20mm / F1.7 II ASPH. Lens SILVER Description
"Panasonic H-H020AS (4 Pack) Brand New Includes One Year Warranty, The Panasonic H-H020AS high speed compact single focal length lens features continuous AF/AE function that supports for both photos and movies. It has F1.7 brightness allowing a beautiful soft focus for photos to be even more impressive. The 2 aspherical lenses gives superb optical performance. Other features include contrast AF system support, circular aperture diaphragm, multi-coated lens elements minimize ghosts and flare and durable metal mount. H-H020AS Features: Lumix G Single Focal Length Lens, Micro Four Thirds Mount, High Quality Multi-Coated Elements, Continuous AF/AE Function Photos & Movies, F1.7 Brightness, 2 Aspherical Lenses, Up to 20 cm Closest Focusing Distance, Contrast AF System Support, Circular Aperture Diaphragm - 7 Diaphragm Blades, Multi-Coated Lens Elements Minimize Ghosts & Flare, Durable Metal Mount, Accepts 46mm Filters, Additional Features: Lens Construction: 7 Elements in 5 Groups (2 Aspherical Lenses) , Optical Image Stabilizer : No, Focal Length: f=20mm (35mm Camera Equivalent 40mm) , Aperture Type: 7 Diaphragm Blades / Circular Aperture Diaphragm, Aperture: F1.7, Minimum Aperture: F16, Closest Focusing Distance: 0.2m / 0.66ft, Maximum Magnification: Approx. 0.13x / 0.25x (35mm Camera Equivalent) , General Features: Diagonal Angle of View: 57, Filter Size: 46mm / 1.81 in, Max. Diameter: 63mm / 2.48 in, Overall Length: Approx. 25.5mm / 1.00 in (From the Tip of the Lens to the Base Side of the Lens Mount) , Weight: Approx. 87g / 3.07oz (Excluding Lens Cap and Lens Rear Cap) , Further Specifications: Standard Accessories: Lens Cap, Lens Rear Cap, Lens Storage Bag, Color: Black"
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Panasonic H-H020AS (4 Pack) Lumix G 20mm / F1.7 II ASPH. Lens SILVER
Merchant : FactoryOutletStore.com |
$1718.95 | ![]() |