Black Friday 2014 Panasonic HX-A500H Point-of-View Wearable 4K Camcorder
Panasonic HX-A500H Point-of-View Wearable 4K Camcorder on the market instantly, just recently have a look at current prices comparison and shipping and delivery accessible for help you to get the best selection.
Price : $399.95 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Panasonic
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Product ID : 59c2e906a994123b4ee320a45a9988b0
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The item elements are outstanding and loadeded with top-notch of Panasonic HX-A500H Point-of-View Wearable 4K Camcorder is the weighty purpose that takes it among the item you shall acquire purchased. Plus, it is additionally friendly budget to your pockets also. You can look at the full product specification and have a look at wonderful promotions that have actually been updated directly from the store through click the web link here. You could possibly look for the interesting deal and you could not refute it, wish you get the good deal.

Panasonic HX-A500H Point-of-View Wearable 4K Camcorder Description
"Panasonic HX-A500H Brand New Includes One Year Warranty, The Panasonic HX-A500H is a full high definition camcorder having stylish wearable design. The camcorder features high quality 4K recording, level shot and image stabilizer and easy to use with built-in LCD. It is small, light weight, waterproof and dustproof. The HX-A500H has wi-fi and NFC connectivity, one touch connection. Impressive slow-motion videos can be easily recorded in HD quality. A range out mounting solutions are available for this camcorder. HX-A500H Features: Wearable 4K POV Camcorder, Records 3840 x 2160p Full HD Video, Automatic Highlight Saving, Stylish Wearable Design, Back-Illumined MOS Sensor, Level Shot & Image Stabilizer - Automatically Corrects Tilted Images & Stabilizes Video, Waterproof & Dustproof - IPX8 Compliant Waterproof & IP5X Rating Dustproof, Slow Motion Video, Wi-Fi & Live Channel Streaming, Built-In 1.5"" LCD Screen, Media: Records Onto: micro SD / micro SDHC Memory Card, Video Format: High Definition 3840 x 2160p / 30 fps, Image Sensor (Total) : 1/2.3"" BSI MOS Sensor, Aspect Ratio: 16:9, System: NTSC, Slow Motion Mode: 120 fps Recorded @ 1280/720p - 240 fps Recorded @ 848/480p, Camera: Image Stabilizer: Image Stabilizer, Level Shot Function, Backside Illumination: Yes, 160 Ultra-Wide Lens, HX-A500H Includes: Armband Case"
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