Black Friday Deals 2014 Panasonic KX-NCS1105 Phone Assistant Pro Software 5 License
If you should in comparison product functionality and value. The Panasonic KX-NCS1105 Phone Assistant Pro Software 5 License is the perfect option to actually purchase.
Price : $647.50 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Panasonic
Merchant :
Product ID : 873ab4b6a905157f85b41e278de1b110
Rating :
When you are really taking into consideration to paying for item at a superb high quality along with a practical deal. We extremely recommended this Panasonic KX-NCS1105 Phone Assistant Pro Software 5 License is one of premium and more preferred item item that you are searching for. Even if you learn it very carefully about product detail, functions and practical customer testimonials, naturally you should not reject to purchase it one. You could check the latest price from the hyperlink under here.
![Panasonic KX-NCS1105 Phone Assistant Pro Software 5 License](
Panasonic KX-NCS1105 Phone Assistant Pro Software 5 License Description
"Panasonic KX-NCS1105, The Panasonic KX-NCS1105 phone assistant 5 license pack is an exciting array of highly intuitive feature rich Computer Telephony Integration (CTI) software applications that are designed to drastically improve your communication and help you get the most out of your Panasonic KX-TDA Hybrid IP-PBX and KX-TDE Pure IP-PBX system. It provides easy access to system phone functions, integration with IP camera and also allows to record conversations directly into Voice Mail TVM 50/200. KX-NCS1105 Features: Phone Assistant Pro - 5 License, Phone Assistant for Personal Productivity - Easy Access to Phone Features, Confirm Colleague Availability & Presence, Easy Access to System Phone Functions, Integration w/ IP Camera, Dial Easily Through Your Database, Record Conversations Directly Into Voice Mail TVM 50/200, Monitor Employee Phone Status/Usage, Extended Reporting Capabilities, User Capability: Max 128 Users, Basic Call Control, Call History: 4 Types, FWD/DND Control, Contact List: Max 100 Groups & Each Group is Max 100 Items, IP Camera Monitor: 4 Cameras, Conference Room: Set Up as Initiator, Outlook Integration, Call Recording: Using VM (Not USB Connection) , IP Soft Phone (Optional Module KX-NCS9101) , Will Work w/ the Following Systems: Panasonic KX-TDA50G / 100 / 200 / 600, Panasonic KX-TDE100 / 200 / 600"
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