Black Friday Sales 2014 Panasonic KX-TGA939T DECT 6.0 Black Cordless Phone Handset Review
Can be a safe compared product benefits and price. This Panasonic KX-TGA939T DECT 6.0 Black Cordless Phone Handset is a good substitute for decide to buy. Hot Offer Panasonic KX-TGA939T DECT 6.0 Black Cordless Phone Handset
Price : $71.99 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Panasonic
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Product ID : 47e89d025c7e6ac04a540f01f91f7554
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When you are really looking to shopping product with a top-notch high quality as well as an affordable budget. We highly advised this Panasonic KX-TGA939T DECT 6.0 Black Cordless Phone Handset is one of high quality and even more popular product product that you are looking for. Also if you examine it carefully about product detail, features and valuable customer testimonials, naturally you need to not refuse to purchase it one. You can check the existing price via the link here.
Panasonic KX-TGA939T DECT 6.0 Black Cordless Phone Handset Description
Use these add-on handsets to expand your Panasonic KX-TG6400 series DECT expandable cordless phone system. This handset includes rechargeable batteries and separate base chargers. Compatibility: Panasonic KX-TG6400 series system (KX-TG9391B) Black metallic add-on handset'sUses DECT 6.0 cordless phone standard 1.9 GHz frequency range Hold and redial on handset 1.8-inch white, backlit LCD display on handset Lighted handset keypad Any-key answer 50-entry Caller ID memory 5-number memory redial Handset speakerphone Silent Mode turns off handset ringer Light-up call indicator and voice-mail message indicator (with compatible base unit) Barge-in/privacy mode on handset NiMH rechargeable battery Weight: 4.6 ounces
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Panasonic KX-TGA939T DECT 6.0 Black Cordless Phone Handset
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$71.99 |