2014 Black Friday Panasonic KXTDA50G-DT346-1Card Hybrid IP PBX Telephone System Don't Miss
Panasonic KXTDA50G-DT346-1Card Hybrid IP PBX Telephone System for sale presently, take a moment to find the latest selling prices comparison and shipping readily available for help you to get the great offer. Hot Offer Panasonic KXTDA50G-DT346-1Card Hybrid IP PBX Telephone System
Price : $2049.95 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Panasonic
Merchant : FactoryOutletStore.com
Product ID : 6ea9a6f061d9171aa294759788d283dc
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The item attributes are excellent and fulled of top quality of Panasonic KXTDA50G-DT346-1Card Hybrid IP PBX Telephone System is the significant reason that takes it among the product you would obtain bought. In addition to, it is usually friendly-budget to your wallets also. You can see the complete product explanation and take a look at great promos that have really been upgraded coming from the shop through click the hyperlink here. You may purchase the beneficial deal and you can not refuse it, want you have the wonderful price.
Panasonic KXTDA50G-DT346-1Card Hybrid IP PBX Telephone System Description
"Panasonic KX-TDA50G-346EX document.write (NR Statement ()) Expanded Corded/Cordless Package, The Panasonic KX-TDA50G Hybrid IP PBX System is expandable to 8 CO's and 24 physical extension ports or 12 CO's and 20 physical extension ports. The KX-TDA50G is capable of supporting a variety of digital phones series, such as the KX-DT346, as well as cordless 2.4GHz models like the KX-TD7896. The KX-TDA50G is initially configured with 4 super hybrid extension ports and 4 loop start CO ports. The KX-TDA50G is a converged communication system designed with incredible versatility. It also features caller ID (CID4 card) , multi cell wireless with automatic route selection (ARS) . KX-TDA50G Features: Hybrid IP PBX Telephone System, Analog, VoIP & SIP Compatible, Built-in Caller ID (First 4 Lines) , 12 CO Lines Maximum, 28 Endpoints Maximum (56 with DXDP) , 4 VoIP Trunks (H.323) , 8 VoIP Trunks (SIP) , 28 Ports Mamimum, Multi-Cell Wireless with Handoff, Wireless XDP, Supports Centralized Voicemail, Maximum Cell Stations (Antennas) : Up to 8, Voice Over IP Gateway (w/ QSIG) , Automatic Caller (DCID4 Card) , Automatic Callback Busy, 3 to 8-Parties per Conference (32 Parties Total) , 1 USB Port KX-DT346 Features: Digital Corded Phone, Speakerphone, 6-Line Backlit LCD Display, USB Interface for CTI, Bluetooth Module Compatible, eXtra Device Port (XDP) , Digital Extra Device Port (DXDP) , Message Waiting LED, Alphanumeric Directory Search, 2.5mm Headset Jack, Off Hook Call Announcement, (Out-going) Call Log, (In-coming) Call Log, 24-Programmable Keys, 4 Soft Keys, Wall Mountable KX-TD7896 Features: 2.4GHz Cordless System Phone, Caller ID Compatible, Talk Time 7 Hours, Standby Time 7 Days, 12-Line Operation, 6-LineBacklit LCD Display, 2.5mm Headset Jack, Belt Clip, Programmable Ring, Melody or Vibrator, Sound Charger Noise Reduction Technology, Wall-Mountable Base Antenna, Handset Locator, Joystick Navigation Key, Out of Range Indication, 4 Phones Per System Maximum, 1 Handset per 1 base, KX-TDA5172 Features: 8 Stat"
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This Item Available from 1 Store
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Panasonic KXTDA50G-DT346-1Card Hybrid IP PBX Telephone System
Merchant : FactoryOutletStore.com |
$2049.95 |